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司法改革在走回头路吗?。Does Reform of Judicature Return Again?

你能给我解释一下司法系统的功能吗?Can you explain to me the function of judicature?

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陪审制是公民参与司法审判的主要方式之一。Jury system is one of the important methods of the people's judicature.

一个正义的司法可以将立法的弊害降到最低程度。Judicature justice can reduce the maladies of legislation to the minimum.

这些观念渗透于司法中,产生了广泛的影响。These conceptions have a widespread and profound influence on judicature.

这对于刑事司法正义的实现是十分不利的。This is unfavorable for the realization of the justice of criminal judicature.

中国的立法、司法体系应该对这一现象作出回应。The legislation and judicature systems of China must reply to these phenomenons.

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因此,中世纪英国的司法具有一定的相对独立性。Therefore, the English judicature in Middle Ages had a comparative independence.

第三章分析了各种非诉讼因素介入司法的成因。Chapter 3 analyzes the causes of various non-action factors interposing judicature.

医事司法学是一门医学与法学交叉的新兴边缘学科。The science of medical judicature is a new subject, which combines medicine with law.

支撑民事司法公信力的主要支柱是什么呢?What are the primary supports that maitain the Force Of Public Faith To Civil Judicature?

本文对的士司机撞击抢劫犯司法适用的相关问题加以论述。This article argues about application of judicature to taxi-drivers' bumping into bandits.

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李慧娟事件包括司法过程和民主过程两个方面。The Li Huijuan Event includes 2 sides as the process of judicature and the process of democracy.

现代刑事司法改革进程见证了诸多的司法不公和冤假错案。Modern criminal judicial reform witnesses many judicature unfairness and miscarriages of justice.

唐代以前以及唐初的赦文,其功能在于司法。The decrees for pardon that are written before and in early Tang Dynasty mainly act as judicature.

同时,也维护了国家的行政、立法、司法等主权。They also safeguarded the state sovereignty of administration, legislation and judicature of China.

巨擘律师事务所系经江苏省司法厅批准成立。Julb Law Office is established through the sanction of judicature authorization of Jiangsu Province.

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翻供,是近年来刑事司法活动中比较突出的一个问题。Withdrawn confession is an outstanding problem in the criminal judicature activities in recent years.

在个罪意义的立法和司法操作中也不宜于对教唆犯单独定罪。And it is inadvisable to criminate the abettor separately by the aspect of legislation and judicature.

律师制度的建立与完善是一个国家司法制度民主化的重要表现之一。To set up and perfect lawyer system is one of important symbols in democratizing judicature in a country.