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这是突变。There is mutation.

MAPT基因未发现致病突变。MAPT gene mutation was not found.

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三个儿童的AKT2基因中均含有突变。All had a mutation in the AKT2 gene.

单栽培就是这样的一种转变。Monocultures are a case of such mutation.

先证者的父亲携带该致病突变基因。The probands father carried the mutation.

各项致突变试验结果均为阴性。The results of mutation test were negative.

然而,比赛最后10分钟风云突变。However, the final 10 minutes mutation situation.

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在拉米因引起变异之前我就换了药。I switched to ETV even I did not have LMV mutation.

目前,专家初步判定,这是“生存基因”作祟。As of now, experts believed it is a genetic mutation.

聚类分析表明,37种山杏类型可分为5个大类。The 37 mutation types can be classified into 5 groups.

通常源于种系的新突变或体细胞突变。Often the result of a new germline or somatic mutation.

CTCF的缺失和突变可能导致肿瘤的发生。Deletion and mutation of CTCF is associated with cancer.

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在各基因中,3A基因突变率最高。In each gene, the 3A gene mutation rates are the tallest.

在对8个家系93名相关个体的分析中,没有发现突变发生。No mutation in 93 individuals of 8 families was observed.

木村资生的中性学说反映了生物大分子的部分规律。The neutral mutation is only a part of the macromolecule.

有这种变异的人需要的睡眠量比别人少。People who have this mutation need less sleep than others.

Beutler的小鼠携带着一个称为UNC93B的突变基因。Beutler's mouse carried a mutation in a gene called UNC93B.

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消除突变细胞的免疫监视。Cancellation mutation the immunity surveillance of the cell.

而且,当我扮演上帝时,我能加快全局突变率。And, when I play god I can crank up the global mutation rate.

如果没有缺失的一环的话那就不叫突变或进化了。It wouldn't be mutation and evolution without a missing link.