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第一个是厄洛斯。The first one, Eros.

爱神张开轻纱的翅膀。Eros spreads out the wings of the veil.

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伊洛斯对着天空射出了两支特别的箭。Eros shot two special arrows into the air.

他们叫它作?EROS" They called it eros or love right?

而爱洛斯也奉其母亲的命令来到了普绪喀的家。Then Eros came to Psyche's home with his mother's instructions.

伊露丝101延时喷雾是为此专门开发的。EROS Prolong 101 Care Spray was specially developed for this need.

皮卡迪利广场中心有一尊据说是厄洛斯的铸像。In the middle of Piccadilly Circus there is a statue said to be of Eros.

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爱神星是一个时常靠近地球的小行星。Eros is one of the planetoids which passes near the earth every now and then.

性画面的无处不在没有释放性爱的力量而是稀释了它。The ubiquity of sexual images does not free the power of Eros but dilutes it.

生的本能和死的本能是一对双生子,它们都是这一延续的表现。The paired relationship of Eros and Thanatos is an expression of this holding.

第一部分探讨革命与主体爱欲的关系。Section 1 is about the relations of the revolution and the rise and fall of Eros.

厄洛斯起了重大作用的另一个著名的故事是亚尔古英雄的远征。Another famousstory where Eros played an important part was the Argonautic expedition.

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厄洛斯起了重大作用的另一个著名的故事是亚尔古英雄的远征。Another famous story where Eros played an important part was the Argonautic expedition.

在皮卡迪里广场的中央,伫立着一座据称名为厄络斯爱神的雕像。In the middle of Piccadilly Circus there is a statue said to be of Eros , the god of love.

就厄洛斯这个概念解释了基督教,的伟大思想家是圣奥古斯丁。The great thinker who interprets the Christian religion in terms of eros is St. Augustine.

马尔蒂尼所带领的球队中,舒马赫与拉马佐迪也将身在其中。In the team led by the Milan captain, also Michael Schumacher and Eros Ramazzotti will play.

现代的性爱,同单纯的性爱,同古代的爱,是根本不同的。Our sexual love differs essentially from the simple sexual desire, the Eros , of the ancients.

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我只是想作为插曲简单解释一下,中世纪基督教的一个概念,也就是厄洛斯。I want to make this a little bypass to explain the concept in medieval Christianity which is the concept of eros.

在他样的第一部小说宝石,福里斯特甘德写道友谊,嫉妒,和爱神调和带电色彩。In his gem-like first novel, Forrest Gander writes of friendship, envy, and eros as a harmonic of charged overtones.

并且,在该小行星的形状取三轴椭球体和在几何反射定律等假定之下,给出了关于该小行星的光度变化理论。A new photometric theory of Eros based upon a three-axis ellipsoid model at full phase obeying Lommel-Seeliger 's law is presented.