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总之,自然化认识论仍然是规范的。In a word, naturalized epistemology remains normative.

部分特殊的规范或信息性规格。Sector-specific normative or informative specifications.

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诚然,所有学科都有一种规范性导向。Admittedly, all disciplines have a normative orientation.

产品特殊的规范或信息性规格。Product-specific normative or informative specifications.

第五十一条规范性文件有效期为5年。Article 51. Normative documents shall be valid for five years.

新三板公司规范意识大为增强。New 3 board company normative consciousness increases greatly.

地形图缩编是一项系统性、规范性很强的工作。Topographic map generalization is very systematic and normative.

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系统、规范的围手术期治疗可以提高慢性鼻窦炎的治愈率。Systemic and normative operation may improve the rate of curability.

所以我要说,把你的异性恋畸形观念从我人和我身材上拿开,好嘛?That's why I said your hetero normative box away from me and my body, okay?

规范的机制,科学的运作,中国地产赢家的信心所在。Normative system, rational operation, Chinese real estate winners best choice.

在这个过程中,裁判者需要在客观性和规范性之间达到平衡。In the process, the judge should find a balance between objectivity and normative.

近年来随着国际关系规范理论的复兴,世界主义再次走向前台。With the revival of normative IR theory, cosmopolitanism came to the forefront again.

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我们不仅提出一种演进理论的实证性解释,也提出规范性解释。We draw out the normative as well as the positive implications of an evolutionary theory.

不过,这两群信徒都同意,神已经说话,而�的启示是具有规范性的。Both communions agreed, however, that God has spoken and that his revelation is normative.

若引用的文件不标日期,则本标准应采用该引用标准文件的最新版本。For undated references, the lastest edition of the normative document referred to applies.

想像竞合犯不同于规范竞合与结果加重犯。Imaginative joinder of offenses is different from normative joinder and aggregated consequent.

在诊断上,个别医生的诊断报告字迹潦草,叙述有白话,缺乏规范性的引导。Some diagnose paper's hand writing is so crabbed, the description is short of normative words.

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系统内部的规范接口在减少开发量的同时为日后系统升级和维护带来很大的方便。The inner normative data interface simplifies the later upgrade and maintenance of the system.

在政府公报上公布的规范性文件文本为标准文本。The texts of normative documents published in government gazettes shall be the official texts.

首先通过解除婚约束缚、规范结婚形式而实现结婚自由。Conjugal freedom was realized by unchaining matrimonial vows and making conjugal form normative.