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在她的一生中,录制了超过100部专辑。During her lifetime, the songstress had recorded over 100 albums.

这场百老汇女歌手与奥斯卡得主的结合在蜜月期就出现了问题。The Broadway songstress and the Oscar winner's marriage, however, began unraveling during the honeymoon.

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在夜晚的过程中,“爱的故事”女歌手,她花了哦那么强大的一个舞台表演。During the course of the night, the "Love Story" songstress took the stage for one of her oh-so-spectacular performances.

她以他美妙的歌声而著名,也是因此她得到了梦寐以求的祭祀活动“魔剑祭“中歌姬的头衔。She is renowned for her musical ability, and has earned her the coveted role of songstress for the Festival of the Blade.

确实如此,她已超越了单单只是歌姬的身分,蜕化成我们这个消费至上的社会中甚至更为崇高的东西。Indeed, she has transcended mere songstress status and become something even more venerated in our consumer driven society.

在一家几乎空无一人的酒吧,女歌手注意到我是欧洲人,问我要听什么歌。At one fairly empty establishment, the young songstress notices me as a white European and asks what I would like her to belt out.

上个月,上千名歌迷涌入上海,只为一睹这位蓝发女歌手现场表演的风采。然而,眼见可不一定为实哦。Thousands flocked to Shanghai last month to watch their favorite blue-haired songstress perform live. Looks, however, can be deceiving.

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在高中的时候,她就会很清楚知道怎么使用吉他,在那些年里,她就开始和演艺接触了。"High school, " she explains, and it becomes a bit clearer how this guitar-wielding, soul-bearing spark of a songstress spent her formative years.

“音乐是理解我的感想的一种途径”这位女歌手告诉主播对她经常在歌中提及前男友。"Music is my way of understanding what I'm feeling, " the songstress told Stephanopoulus regarding her frequent mentions of ex-boyfriends in her songs.

音响里播放出的歌是前几年从俄罗斯带回来的,一位当下正红的女歌手的作品集。The songs broadcasting in the sound device were getting back from Russia several years ago. It was an opus collection sung by a very famous Russian songstress at present.