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那过山车真把我吓坏了。That roller coaster terrified me.

那时我觉得自己坐在数字过山车上。I felt I was in a digital roller coaster.

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这样,过山车继续上下飞转。So the roller coaster ride continued up and down.

杯垫有小吸铁石可以吸住勺子。Coaster has a small magnet can attract the love spoon.

预计还会有更多的人坐上这个过山车。The roller coaster is expected to become more crowded.

却没有用垫子垫着,那又是一杯冷饮,又是个大热天。There's no coaster . It's a cold drink, it's a hot day.

如果你现在吃东西,坐过山车的时候你可能会感到难受。If you eat now. you might get sick on the roller coaster.

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哪个更有趣,过山车还是摩天轮?Which is more fun, the roller coaster or the ferri wheel?

忘掉那些牢骚和抱怨,去坐趟云霄飞车。Drop your list of grievances and go ride a roller coaster.

云霄飞车是游乐园上最受欢迎、最惊险刺激的乘坐设施之一。The Roller Coaster is one of the most popular thrill rides.

我的生活一直像坐过山车似的跌宕起伏。My life has always been that roller coaster of ups and downs.

你有时是否感觉像坐在情绪的云霄飞车上?Do you sometimes think you're riding an emotional* roller coaster?

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云霄飞车启动时,汤米把眼睛紧紧闭上。As the rolle coaster started to move, Tommy squeezed his eyes shut.

过山车到达最高点的时候,我的心都提到嗓子眼儿了。My heart was in my mouth when I reached the top of the roller coaster.

过山车到达最高点的时候,我的心都提到嗓子眼儿了。My heart was in my mouth when I reached the top of the roller coaster.

草签的过山车增添了个性触摸到钩项目。Initialing your coaster adds a touch of personality to a crocheted project.

对你的事业缺乏自我认同就会产生“过山车”效应。A lack of identity outside your business produces a "roller coaster" effect.

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而且你会学走下自己的”羞辱和奉承“的过山车。And you'll learn to climb off your own roller coaster of shame and adulation.

乘坐公园里那辆新的滑行铁道车吓得我魂飞魄散。The new roller coaster ride at the amusement park frightened the pants off me.

CG-2可以使用在所有变速自行车和许多3段变速与脚踏车自行车。The CG-2 works on all derailleur bikes and many 3-speed and coaster brake bikes.