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他曾经是重量级职业拳击手。He had been a heavyweight prize-fighter.

他是一个重量级的拳击手。He had been a heavyweight prize-fighter.

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从未有重量级拳手可以如此完美地将两者结合在一起。No heavyweight combined the two assets so formidably.

那边的那个人是篮球界要人。The man over there is a heavyweight in basketball field.

重量级选手像轻量级选手一样在拳击场上跳跃。The heavyweight danced around the ring like a lightweight.

现在,WBA的重量级拳王瓦鲁耶夫表示,他正在另择对手。Now, Valuev, the WBA heavyweight titleholder, says he's moving on.

苹果很快展示了它占据大量市场份额的潜力。The company quickly established itself as a market-share heavyweight.

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第一个真正的拳击手是1719年的重量级冠军詹姆斯·菲格。The first real boxer was a heavyweight champion James Figg , in 1719.

他从前是个重量级的拳击家。他的身子长得那张床容不下去。He had been a heavyweight prizefighter and he was too long for the bed.

刘易斯对决世界拳击组织的重量级拳王汤米·莫里森。Lewis is matched against the WBO's heavyweight champion, Tommy Morrison.

另一方面,中介是较为“重量级”的技术选项。Mediations on the other hand are a more "heavyweight" technology option.

本周,若干重量级人物先后离开,更使雅虎元气大伤。This week, a number of heavyweight has left more nail-biter was to Yahoo.

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在贝卢斯科尼政府的三名女性,只有一名被赋予重任。Only one of three women in the Berlusconi government had a heavyweight job.

对象关系映射程序对于某些类型的应用程序是重量级的。Object relational mappers are heavyweight for certain types of applications.

钢结构又分轻钢和重钢。Steel structure can be divided into lightweight steel and heavyweight steel.

早前我与一位奥巴马经济政策的重量级批评家交谈过。I've been speaking to one heavyweight critic of Obamanomics. He's David Walker.

其中有一个就是格里·科特兹,后来成为了世界重量级冠军。One such boxer was Gerrie Coetzee, who later became heavyweight world champion.

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拉赫曼在星期六的比赛中没有击败托尼而卫冕了WBC重量级冠军。Rahman remained the WBC heavyweight champion Saturday night without beating Toney.

1919年,当时的世界重量级拳王是一个叫杰斯·威拉德的大力士。It is 1919 and the heavyweight champion of the world is a giant named Jess Willard.

拥有权重股将增加机构投资者对股指期货的控制力。Owning heavyweight stocks will give institutions more control of the index futures.