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有些很好的机会,比如联赛杯,但却成全了对手,太让人失望了。There were good chances. We should have won the Carling Cup final.

他应该可以在联赛杯前正式复出。All being well he should be available for the Carling Cup or the game before.

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内维尔希望联赛杯成为曼联夺取各项冠军的跳板。Gary Neville hopes the Carling Cup will again be a trigger for further triumphs.

我很好,小乔开始跑步了,我们赢得了联赛杯,我们即将去获得足总杯。I'm fine, Coley's running, we've won the Carling Cup, we're going for the FA Cup.

曼联将在联赛杯半决赛里对阵本地球队曼城。United will face local rivals Manchester City in the semi-finals of the Carling Cup.

他这个赛季更希望赢得联赛杯,因为他有了一支完整的队伍。He wants to win the Carling Cup more this season because he took the whole team here.

然而,这家俱乐部在联赛杯上出局也为他租借敞开了大门。However, the Club's elimination from the Carling Cup opened the door for a loan move.

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曼联将在联赛杯第三轮在老特拉福德球场迎战米德尔斯堡队。United will host Middlesbrough at Old Trafford in the Third Round of the Carling Cup.

多哥射手在周二与西布罗姆维奇队的联赛杯比赛中大腿受伤下场。The Togolese striker injured his thigh in the Carling Cup tie at West Brom on Tuesday.

他带领球队在上赛季获得了第十名的成绩,并且带队打入联赛杯半决赛。He guided them to a tenth-place finish last season coupled with a Carling Cup semi-final.

我曾经祈祷利物浦能在联赛杯对阵米堡,但他们却输给了水晶宫。I was praying Liverpool would get Boro in the Carling Cup but they lost to Crystal Palace.

我们是足总杯和联赛杯的卫冕者,所以卫冕他们是很重要的。We are the holders of the FA Cup and the Carling Cup, so it would be great to retain them.

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现在,转到联赛杯上,他希望展示当他踏上赛场他可以贡献什么。Now with a shift to Carling Cup action, he is hoping to show what he can do from the start.

朱鲁希望队友们能够以正确的方式来对待。“当你失败的时候,有所反应是重要的。Even if it is at home in the Carling Cup, we want to win so we need a big response on Tuesday.

在联赛杯与布莱克本的比赛中,他迎来了其在桑德兰的首发以及主场首秀。He made his first Sunderland start and home début against Blackburn Rovers in the Carling Cup.

在同一场比赛中被担架抬下的沃尔科特也将会错过联赛杯决赛。Theo Walcott will also miss the Carling Cup Final after being stretchered off in the same game.

曼联在联赛杯第三轮的比赛里抽中了狼队。United have been drawn at home to Wolverhampton Wanderers in the third round of the Carling Cup.

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温格高度赞扬了阿尔沙文在联赛杯战胜博尔顿比赛中的杰出表现。Arsène Wenger was full of praise for Andrey Arshavin after Tuesday's Carling Cup win over Bolton.

在联赛杯第三轮与伯明翰的比赛中,他打进了其进入成年队后的首粒入球。He scored his first senior goal for the club against Birmingham City in the Carling Cup 3rd round.

去年在联赛杯决赛上要求利物浦球迷收声,也显示了他有变换节奏和动作的能力。The shushing of Liverpool fans at the Carling Cup final last year shows he has a change of pace too.