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唉,扯下她褴褛的舰旗吧!Ay, tear her tattered ensign down!

那是我爸爸在海军当上尉时的照片。That's my dad when he was an ensign in the Navy.

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另外值得一提的是在圣尼古拉斯礼拜堂里面的白色军旗。Also worthy of note is the White Ensign in the St.

还有一个红色的旗,这就是两岸在飞。There is also a red ensign , with this cross in the fly.

你的心止,风也止了,旗子也不飘动了。You of heart, breeze also, ensign son also not floated to move.

只要他能看清那旗帜上的每一颗星So long as he can discern every star in its place upon that ensign

在当时舰队里所有的海军少尉中,就数这家伙的新娘最漂亮了。This rascal had the sassiest bride of any ensign in the old division.

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此时从矮小的丛林后面出现了炮兵部队的军旗。At that moment, from behindtheshort bush, there appear the artillery ensign.

此时从矮小的丛林后面出现了炮兵部队的军旗。At that moment, from behind the short bushes, there appeared the artillery ensign.

刺伤旗手的法国长枪手是奥斯本上尉杀死的。It was Captain Osborne that cut down the French lancer who had speared the ensign.

在有香港徽号的英国蓝色旗之上悬挂红色的英国商船旗。The red ensign flown directly above the blue ensign with Hong Kong armorial bearings.

指挥官挥着令旗一声令下,万铳齐发。The commanding officer flicks to make ensign one make next, ten thousand Chong volleys.

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当我跨过沉沦的一切,向着永恒开战的时候,你是我的军旗。——王小波。When I cross the destruction of everything, go to war toward eternity, you are my ensign.

这对年轻夫妇去了弗吉尼亚的诺福克,海军少尉卡特从学校毕业后首次服役的地方。The young couple went to Norfolk, Virginia, Ensign Carter's first duty station after graduation.

他俩默默的取下对方的少尉肩章,换上中尉的标识。They silently removed the ensign pips from each other's epaulets, and fastened the jg bars there.

在每个四轮马车前有57个悬旗。那里分布着真正的金网。In front of each wagon stood 57 hanging ensign plants, over which were spread thin nets of true gold.

士官生尼古拉·罗斯托夫服役的骑兵连在德国村庄扎尔策涅克设营。The squadron in which Nikolay Rostov was serving as ensign was billeted on a German village, Salzeneck.

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两天后,就有两名学员被淘汰了,两面参训国的国旗被降下。After two days, two student were washed out, two sides joins the ensign of example country to be fallen.

"我完全知道你在哪里.我完全知道你在干什么,"据说柯伊在电话里这样告诉因赛.“I know exactly where you are.I know exactly what you are doing,” Coe reportedly told Ensign over the phone.

民主党议员帕特里克·李耶、共和党议员约翰·埃赛恩和其他立法委员对克雷格性丑闻案的告终表示高兴。Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy, Republican Senator John Ensign and other lawmakers are relieved to see a swift end to Craig's sex scandal.