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大射孔器可在裸眼井中使用,以减小地层损害。The mega perforator can be used in an open hole to reduce formation damage.

本文简要介绍它的设计原理和结构及工程应用。In this paper, tho design principles, structures and applications of the perforator.

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射孔枪与套管之间的间隙过大会影响射孔效果,太小容易出现工程事故。Perforation effect is seriously affected by the clearance between perforator and casing.

研制了集高穿深和高孔密于一体的HSD89型射孔器。Developed is a HSD89 perforator integrating high shot density and deep penetration together.

目的了解皮瓣修复的新进展之一,即穿支皮瓣修复技术。Objective To introduce the new progress of perforator flaps as an new reconstruction technique.

游离胸背动脉穿通支皮瓣对于远端小腿及足部的重建是很好的选择。The thoracodorsal artery perforator flap is a feasible choice for lower leg and foot reconstruction.

无枪身雷管是油气井进行无枪身射孔和爆炸松扣的起爆器材。The blasting cap for body-free perforator is a perforating and relieringdevice in the oil and gas wells.

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目的探讨不带背阔肌的胸背动脉穿支皮瓣设计和应用特点。Objective To explore the characteristic of latissimus dorsi perforator based flap in adults and children.

胸背动脉穿通支皮瓣对于多种不同软组织重建是相当有用的。The thoracodorsal artery perforator flap is a versatile flap for resurfacing of various soft tissue defects.

仅以射孔器设计中的几个案例说明数值模拟技术的应用状况。Several cases about perforator designs are given to show the applications of the numerical simulation technology.

在行浅静脉及交通支静脉手术的同时行深静脉重建术是非常必要的。Deep venous reconstruction should be considered when superficial venous or perforator venous reflux are operated upon.

我们使用游离胸背动脉穿通支皮瓣对于四个病人作远端小腿及足部的重建。In our study, we used free thoracodorsal artery perforator flap for reconstruction of lower leg and foot defects in 4 patients.

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卵形头弹的贯穿过程是一种刺穿性模式,而平头弹是挤凿性模式。The destruction mode for the ogival nose perforator is a stabbing one, while that for the flat nose perforator is a plugging one.

广泛查阅近年来国内外有关各种穿支皮瓣的文献,并对其研究成果进行回顾与综合分析。Methods The literature both at home and abroad was reviewed, and the research findings of different perforator flaps were summarized.

穿支皮瓣是新的修复组织缺损的可靠技术,有可能成为缺损修复的首选皮瓣。Perforator flap was the new and reliable technique forreconstructionof tissue defect and may be one of the primary choices in the future.

不同类型的复合射孔器,在井下产生的压力参数不同,对地层的作用效果也不同。Various types of composite perforator have their respective effects on formation because they produce different pressure parameters in wellbore.

在消融后早期的病理学检查发现在心肌和间隔动脉穿支都有凝固性坏死。Pathological examination early after the ablation procedure showed coagulative necrosis of both the myocardium and the septal perforator arteries.

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胜利油田垦东斜411井在射孔测试联作施工中发生异常起爆事故。Abnormal initiation of the perforator occurred in Kendongxie 411 test well in Shengli Oilfield when the combined perforation tests were carried out.

若无第二室间隔支,中、远段的分界为第一室间隔支与心尖的中点。If this is not the case, the middle and distal LAD artery are split at a distance halfway between the first septal perforator and the apex of the heart.

为雷管安全可靠地引爆射孔器,特别设计了隔板传爆结构。For the detonator detonating the perforator safely and reliably, special machinery composed of explosion-proof clapboard and detonating train is designed.