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加布将在半决赛中和费伊较量。Gabb will be matched against Fay in the semifinal.

另一场半决赛中,日本队击败了瑞典队。Japan defeated Sweden in the other semifinal game.

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里德将在准决赛中与史东较量。Reed will be matched against Stone in the semifinal.

比尔在500米单人划艇比赛半决赛中名列第二。Bill ranked second in the semifinal of C-1,500 meters.

对于我而言,激动和小范在OSL半决赛上的一战对于小范来说是一个心结。For me, the Fantasy-Jaedong OSL Semifinal was a lock for Fantasy.

职业生涯就像一场体育比赛,有初赛、复赛、决赛。His career as a sports contest, the semifinal and final preliminaries.

堪萨斯州对教练比尔•赛尔夫说半决赛几乎相当于三场比赛。Kansas Coach Bill Self says the semifinal was almost like three games.

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金走出预备室,拿下了第二场半决赛,然后再次摇了摇手指。King went out and won the second semifinal and shook her finger again.

有什么关于另一场龙之队和死亡之星半决赛的预测吗?Any predictions for the second semifinal of team Dragon versus CovaNoil?

郑其腭服务于她的半决赛对阵海宁1月28日。Zheng Jie serves in her semifinal match against Justine Henin January 28.

七场四胜制的西部半决赛中的第四场将会在周日晚在丰田中心。Game 4 in the best-of-seven Western Conference semifinal is Sunday in Houston.

索德林反应对伯蒂奇获胜后,他6月4日半决赛。Robin Soderling reacts after winning his semifinal against Tomas Berdych June 4.

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在周五进行的半决赛中,邹就显示出力压群雄的实力。In his semifinal bout Friday night, Zou showed a canny ability to work the crowd.

但是在每一场半决赛中,都会给本不该失败的人留下深深的遗憾。But in every semifinal there is deep and piquant regret for a man who did not deserve to lose.

八爪鱼保罗推测德国在半决赛中将被西班牙战胜。Octopus oracle Paul is predicting Germany will be defeated by Spain at the World Cup semifinal.

一个球童的手表在行动选手斯托瑟在半决赛中她对扬科维奇6月3日。A ball boy watches Samantha Stosur in action during her semifinal against Jelena Jankovic June 3.

凤凰涅槃,喜上眉梢。中国的李娜在半决赛对阵丹麦的沃兹尼亚齐时庆贺自己的盘点。Li Na of China celebrates set point in her semifinal match against Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark.

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因为光线太暗,裁判决定这场半决赛的决胜盘推迟到明天举行。As it grew too dim, the umpire decided to postpone the decisive game in this semifinal to tomorrow.

在欧联杯与马竞半决赛次回合的比赛中,锋线新星帕契科有望首发。Liverpool could turn to rookie striker Dani Pacheco for their Europa League semifinal against Atletico Madrid.

乌拉圭,一个曾经的足球强国,将前往开普敦准备周二的半决赛。So Uruguay, once a soccer power, most recently an afterthought, will travel to Cape Town for Tuesday's semifinal.