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弗雷德的笑话总是如此毫无新意。Freds jokes are always so corny.

福莱德的笑话总是了无新意。Fred's jokes are always so corny.

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弗雷德的笑话总是如此毫无新意。Fred’s jokes are always so corny.

假如这对你来说太老土的话,继续前进。If the is too corny for you, arouse on.

你不能每天都这样做,这也太俗了。You can't do this every morning, It's corny.

老板每次跟员工说话都是陈腔滥调。The boss gets too corny when he talk to the worker.

有些陈腔滥调的爱情镜头还真容易让人流眼泪。Some of the corny love scenes are real tear- jerkers.

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传统意义上,这理应是我一生中最快乐的一天。Corny as it sounds, it was the happiest day of my life.

1978粗劣的最初版播出第一季之后就被砍了。The corny 1978 original mercifully died after a single season.

虽然听上去是老生常谈,但找到合适的香型可以改变人生。Corny as it sounds, finding the right scent can be life-changing.

关于监狱的情景剧电影还在使用老式的那一套说教,比如“监狱能改变一个人”。Melodramatic prison movies always use corny lines like "prison has a way of changing a man."

这听起来可能有些老套,但实际上,这为日常生活增添了不尽的乐趣、不竭的动力。This may sound corny but is actually a fun way of adding some excitement into a boring routine.

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我们还坐了外滩观光隧道的缆车穿越了黄浦江,在江底看了似乎有些过时的有中国特殊的灯光秀,还是比较有趣的。We took the 'sight seeing' tunnel under the river and were treated to a corny Chinese light show but it was fun.

你会告诉未来的自己你正经历生命中最美好的时刻,因此不要再拍那种老掉牙的合影了。You will want to tell yourself you have live the best moments in life in the future therefore do not commit a corny group photographs.

所以我们制作了新的外汇学校,更多课程,更多内容,更多老掉牙的笑话来满足你对外汇知识的渴望。This is why we've come up with the New School of Pipsology. More lessons, more content, and more corny jokes to satisfy your hunger for forex education.

晚上,我便像我父亲对我说的那样向他重复祷告文,给他唱同样的30年代的乡间小曲,就像父亲亲吻我一样亲吻他的前额。At night, I repeat the prayers to him that my father once said to me, sing him the same corny 1930s songs, kiss his forehead just as my father kissed mine.

也许大部分魔法在你看来毫无新意,但在将来某一天你如果有机会用到的话你就会发现基本魔法带来的魅力。Though most of these magic tricks may seem corny to you, it will give you a taste of the basic magic tricks that you may use in advanced ones in the future.

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政府认为这些象征太"老套土气",会在7月1日荷兰担任25国机构的轮值主席后减弱荷兰总理杨·培特·巴尔肯恩德想树立的荷兰形象。The government decided such symbols were too "corny" and would detract from the image of the Netherlands that Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende wants to project.

你可能只需要多花点时间和朋友们在一起,学着变得幽默点、自在点,改掉一些诸如喜欢打断别人的谈话或者说粗俗笑话的毛病。You can just spend more time with your friends, learning to be a fun, easygoing guy, or get rid of your bad habit of interrupting people or making corny jokes, or a million other things.