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一切都真的在互连吗?Will everything really interconnect?

同线互连会打破传输速度极限吗?。Has the Copper Interconnect Hit Its Speed Limit?

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Molex公司是领先的全套互连产品供应商。Molex is a leading one-source supplier of interconnect products.

实例中的所有主机必须使用相同类型的互连。All hosts in the instance must use the same type of interconnect.

对于垂直通孔互连问题,时域有限差分法更具优势。FDTD method is better than the other one for vertical via interconnect problem.

这些环节相互配合,相互联系以便保证课程的完整性。These segments interwork and interconnect to ensure the integrality of the course.

安费诺是全球最大的连接器制造商之一。Amphenol is one of the largest manufacturers of interconnect products in the world.

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针对热效应导致RLC互连延时增加的现象进行了研究。Analysis of RLC interconnect delay increase induced by thermal effects is presented.

随着深亚微米设计的发展,互连线串扰变得更加严重。The development of submicron designs has worsened the problem of interconnect crosstalk.

带有内置传感器和无线电指挥能力,为了满足用在墙上和地板上使用。With built-in motion sensor or wirelessly interconnect able, for wall or floor mounting.

这让大公司和政府不可能控制相互连接。This makes it impossible for large companies and governments to control the interconnect.

实现多联邦互联有多种方法,桥接成员是其中一种。Using the Bridge Federate is one of the approaches to interconnect HLA multiple federations.

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实现多联邦互连有多种方法,桥接成员是其中一种。Using the Bridge Federate is one of the approaches to interconnect HLA multiple federations.

根据计算机科学家们的说法,Interconnect是最困难的部分之一。According to computer scientists, the interconnect is one of the most difficult pieces to build.

随着电路复杂度的增加,更多的时候我们需要把互连线建模成网状结构。Since the circuits become more and more complex, we need to model interconnect as a non-tree circuit.

安费诺公司是全球排名第二的连接系统提供商,成立于1932年的美国。Amphenol is the second ranked supplier of interconnect solutions in the world, established in US in 1932.

这尖端的数字音频互连提供更高的分辨率比市场上任何其他电缆。This cutting-edge digital audio interconnect offers higher resolution than any other cable on the market.

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深亚微米集成电路的互连线延迟是设计中需十分重视并必须解决的问题。Interconnect wire delay is a very important question that must to be resolved in deep submicron IC design.

中国还在急速兴建主要城市的捷运,让高铁开往各大城市。It is also on a crash program of building subways in major cities and high-speed trains to interconnect them.

FBT软件的思路就是通过向导自动生成桥接成员,快速地将已有联邦进行互联。The software "KD-FBT" can interconnect multiple federations rapidly by creating bridge federate automatically.