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他再也控制不住他的怒火。He couldn't holdback his anger.

不要把本产品安装在妨碍驾驶的位置。Don't install it on the position where holdback your driving.

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1实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。The only holdback of realizing ideal of tomorrow is the misgive of today.

政府既能促进经济发展,也能阻碍发展。Government could contribute to the growth of economy, and it could holdback it meanwhile.

不要让错误的政治观点阻碍全人类体育事业的发展!Do not let your incorrect political standpoints holdback sports development of Human beings!

但有时太多的梦却成为我哭泣的根本原因。Sometimes I feel I have nothing but dreams . Only those glorious dreams can holdback my tears.

变速箱必须与驱动轮保持耦合,才能起到联轴功能。The gearbox of the drive must remain coupled to the drive pulley for the holdback to function.

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器件的散热问题已成为迅速发展的电信产业面临的技术“瓶颈”。It has been the critical holdback that the rapidly developed electronic & information industry faces.

后者则论述了厘金抑制国内商品出口及利于外国商品输入的作用。The later talks about the holdback Likin produced to the export of domestic goods and the help the import got.

对教育产业发展资金不足问题的研究由来以久,流行的分析是资金短缺。ABSTRACT It has been a prevailing viewpoint that the lack of fund holdback the educational industry development.

不仅使测谎结论的适用无法可依,也制约了测谎技术的进一步发展。It leads to the disorder of polygraph application and holdback the advancement of the technology in judicial proceedings.

如果没有发音障碍,能写什么自然就能说什么,因为无论写还是说都同样来自大脑。I am sure that you can talk whatever you can write if you have no holdback in pronunciation because the source is the same.

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溢油不但严重破坏了水体生态环境,而且影响了人们生活,阻碍了周边地区的经济发展。Oil spill not only destroy water environment seriously, but also affect human life and holdback economic increase of local regions.

胸腔镜手术治疗肺癌和食管癌存在较大争议,全盘否定或盲目应用都会影响胸外科的发展。Dispute was exist in the use of thoracoscope. Total negation or blind application would holdback the development of thoracoscope surgery.

这个系数考虑到了在固体颗粒上吸附的气体,尾涡和乳化相之间的交换以及在这个体系中的滞留量。This factor accounts for the gas adsorbed on the solids, its interchange between the wake and the emulsion, and its holdback in the system.

虽然我国上市公司的控制权转移溢价较高,但并未成为提高控制权转移效率的障碍。Though the excessive price of corporate control transfer is very high, it's not the holdback of advancing the efficiency of corporate control transfer.

异构信息系统集成知识创新一方面需要项目各方积极参与,另一方面面临着主体积极性障碍,构建知识创新激励机制成为关键问题。Knowledge innovation in information system integration needs active participation of all project members, while it may face with the holdback of their negative attitude.

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软腐病是魔芋的主要病害,造成魔芋产量严重不足,是魔芋产业发展的重要障碍。Soft rot disease is the main disease of Amorphophallus, which has greatly affected Amorphophallus production, becoming a holdback of Amorphophallus industry development.

就姚明的表现来说,不能因为输了一场球就否定他进入NBA顶级球星行列这一事实或者说趋势。As to Yao, we cannot tear down his performance coz of one holdback and also we cannot disavow that Yao has been performing as one of the most top NBA players this season.

这不仅使测谎结论的适用无法可依,也制约了测谎技术的进一步发展。There are no norms on test personnel as well as the admissibility rules, which leads to the disorder of polygraph application and holdback of the technology in judicial proceedings.