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因为我们处在转变之中。Because we are in transition.

从水中到陆地的变化。The transition from water to land

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不要草率地开始过渡流程。Don't start the transition on a whim.

不曾有过平顺或轻松的过渡。No transition is ever smooth or easy.

本周将算是一个过渡期So, this is kind of a transition week.

他们全部都支持和平过渡。They all support a peaceful transition.

但是,请想像一个虐待狂的过渡。But imagine the transition for a sadist.

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与非同调性光的转移速率。Transition rate due to incoherent light.

宁负虚名渡青春。Rather negative in name transition youth.

然后,我就会开始挠挠她的头。Then I'll transition to a head scratching.

这就是转变温度了。There is our phase transition temperature.

在340K处发现一个新的相变。The new phase transition at 340K was found.

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事实上,这也是亚商的第一次转型。In fact, it is also Asia's first transition.

波德斯塔是奥巴马过渡小组的领导人。John Podesta heads the Obama transition team.

ESR表明,光照下纤维中有电子转移。One-electron transition was confirmed by ESR.

联合国呼吁利比亚和平过渡。UN urges peaceful transition of power in Libya.

什么时候你希望以什么样的方式过渡?How and when do you hope to make the transition?

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北朝鲜正在经历着领导人的过渡阶段。The North is undergoing a leadership transition.

但实践中,这种转变大费周章。In practice the transition might have been messy.

士的宁也抑制脑内多巴胺的转换。Strychnine also inhibited DA transition in brain.