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全日空说,周日上午飞往冈山的航班机票全部售罄。The flight to Okayama was sold out on Sunday morning, ANA said.

别墅位于冈山省濑户内海附近。The house positions itself in Okayama Prefecture near Seto Inland Sea.

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冈山县仓敷市一名51岁男子被大风吹倒,头部重伤。Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture, a 51-year-old man was blown down by strong winds, serious head injuries.

附近的冈山县发现一名妇女在被山体滑坡毁坏的房子里死亡。In the neighbouring Okayama prefecture, a woman was found dead in her house, which a landslide had destroyed.

法相江田五月当天在冈山市与相关人士聚会时表示“政府处于悬崖边缘”。May the day wears Eda in Okayama City, together with related parties, said, "The Government is in the brink."

冈山商科大学孔子学院在搞好语言教学的同时举办了各种各样的文化活动。The Confucius Institute at Okayama Shoka University pays equal attention to language teaching and cultural activities.

它位于东工大的校门口,还正对着大冈山的电车站,交通非常方便。It is located in east of the school gate, and also face to the large Okayama tram transportation where the traffic is very convenient.

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他38岁,相貌不错,和亲戚住在一起,在日本西部农村一家涂料应用公司上班。A tall and rather good-looking 38-year-old man, Okayama lives with relatives and works at a rural paint-application company in western Japan.

其他一些小的汽车厂商,比如三菱则反映它在日本爱知、岐阜和冈山的研发中心并未受地震影响。Among smaller car makers, Mitsubishi said its production hubs in Japan’s Aichi, Gifu, and Okayama prefectures were not affected by the earthquake.

龙泽自动化机械股份有限公司位于高雄县冈山镇,自成立以来,本着严谨高超的技术及热忱的服务。LongTzer automation machinery Okayama Co. , Ltd. in Kaohsiung County town, since its inception, in the strict superb technology and dedicated service.

南临濑户内海,北朝中国山脉的冈山县,有著丰富多彩和优美的自然风景。Nestled between the Seto Inland Sea to the south and the Chugoku Mountains to the north, Okayama features a variegated and beautiful nature landscape.

冈山实验室研究人员池田光行想出了这个用人类粪便制作肉食的新点子。之前,东京污水处理厂曾请他帮助研究废物再利用。Mitsuyuki Ikeda, a researcher from the Okayama Laboratory, came up with the novel approach after Tokyo Sewage asked him to come up with a way of using up the city's waste.

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目前,札幌控股正与日本冈山大学的生物学家杉本学合作开发这一项目。杉本学一直在参与俄罗斯太空食用作物项目的开发与研究。The company teamed up on the project with Okayama University biologist Manabu Sugimoto, who has been part of a Russian space project to explore ways to grow edible plants in space.

这件夹克是由冈山生产的单宁布做了肩部拼色处理,高档的riri拉链辅以皮质的拉链头,羊毛织物作为插手袋的内里,给我们提供了一种顶尖设计,无论是在外在还是内在,这都是巅峰之作。The jacket is finished with an Okayama denim shoulder patch, Riri zips with leather pulls, and fleece-lined handwarmer pockets, offering the pinnacle of design, performace and comfort.

池田光行是日本冈山实验所的一名研究员,此前,东京废水处理场曾邀请他提出将城市废物变废为宝的方法,随后他提出一系列独一无二的新奇方法。Mitsuyuki Ikeda, a researcher from the Okayama Laboratory, came up with the novel approach to number ones after Tokyo Sewage asked him to come up with a way of using up the city's waste.

收益将捐赠给冈山大学,冈山大学将利用这笔资金推进儿童科学教育,加速日本、俄罗斯的太空科学研究的发展。The proceeds will benefit Okayama University, which will use the funds to promote science education for children and foster the development of space science research in Japan and Russia.

我对七宝太空啤酒的兴奋之情可以用日本冈山大学生物学家杉的话来总结,杉本是参与太空培育大麦应用于啤酒酿造的日本科学家之一,他说My excitement for Sapporo space beer can be summarized by Okayama University biologist Manabu Sugimoto, one of the Japanese scientists involved with the use of space-grown barley in beer.