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我彻底震惊了。I was in shock.

有吓到你们吗?Does this shock anyone?

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她吓得脸都白了。She blanched with shock.

开始电震疗法。Commencing Shock therapy.

作为一个“孩子”的我,大为震惊。Boy. was I in for a shock.

这会很令人震惊。That comes as a big shock.

减振器如何工作?。How do shock absorbers work?

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这个球拍的避震机能大好!The shock is in good racket!

这次打击对他是致命的。The shock was deadly to him.

她由于震惊而目瞪口呆。She was immobilized by shock.

她因震惊脸色都白了。NO9. She went pale with shock.

金融减震器就是资本。The shock absorber is capital.

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它表示惊讶或震惊。It expresses surprise or shock.

她大为震惊,昏了过去。She had a shock and conked out.

激波和水跃。Shock waves and hydraulic jumps.

电击,对“XXX”进行“轻微电击”Shocks, "slight shock" to "XXX."

我想,这主要是中西文化的碰撞。I guess I'm having culture shock.

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她听到那消息后大惊失色。She paled with shock at the news.

由于恐惧,她停止了哭泣。The shock made her cease weeping.

多么大的冲击是管家。What a big shock it is to Butler.