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是春季大甩卖的货。Spring sale.

今年春季。This Spring.

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这是弹簧床。It is a spring bed.

大河源出清泉。River need a spring.

春种一粒粟。Spring for a millet.

甚至春雨。Even the spring rain.

在春暖花开的时节。In the spring season.

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春天还远着呢。Spring is far behind.

春意盎然。Spring is in the air.

春来气息皆芬芳。And a smell of spring.

我获得一汪清泉。I have a green spring.

冬去春来。Spring follows winter.

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春天是绿绿的草地。Spring is green grass.

时下已是春意盎然。Spring was in the air.

春去夏来。Summer follows spring.

我们每个春天都作诗。We do it every spring.

你是乘春风来的么?You come by spring it?

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来个夏日大扫除。Spring Summer Cleaning.

春雪易融。Spring snow soon melts.

这眼泉干涸了。The spring has run dry.