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结果全部病灶获得手术切除。Results All foci were ablated.

真皮层可见坏死病灶。The necrosis foci were seen in corium.

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我们把笼子放在区域中的一个焦点处。We put the cage in one of the field's foci.

但是,灶性奇异细胞核出现在10例肿瘤中。Foci of bizarre nuclei were, however, present in 10 cases.

本文介绍了对激光双焦点技术的研究结果。The result of research on laser dual foci technique is presented.

脱髓鞘的活动性的病灶可以显示为弥散受限。Active foci of demyelination may demonstrate restricted diffusion.

观察治疗后肺部病灶吸收,痰菌阴转情况。Then observe the foci absorption and the sputum negative conversion.

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结论河北省鼠疫自然疫源地病原菌毒力属于中等毒力。Conclutions The virulence of Y. pestis from plague nature foci is moderate.

注意图中被摄取的部位中有两个大的红色活动焦点。Note the 2 large foci of red-colored activity in the sites of 201-Tl uptake.

介绍一种测量平行光管内凸透镜焦距的测量方法。In this paper, a measuring method of convex lens foci in collimator is given.

损伤的表现主要为软化灶和陈旧出血改变。The imaging finding mostly manifested as malacia and chronic hemorrhagic foci.

在这种情况下,关于如何构建服务有两个不同的重点。In this situation, there are two different foci for how you build your services.

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因此,认为猪可作为家鼠鼠疫疫源地的指示动物。We suggest that swine be as a indicative animal in the domestic rat plague foci.

消融策略包括阻断房颤的触发病灶和清除房颤的维持机制。Ablative strategy contains eradication of trigger foci and modification of substrates.

切面可见有扩张的小囊,肿瘤可见有小灶出血和坏死。On sectioning, they contain dilated small cysts, with foci of haemorrhage and necrosis.

椭圆越扁平,两焦点之间的距离越远,每个焦点离中心的距离也越远。The flatter the ellipse the farther apart the foci and the farther each focus the center.

其中36例因前列腺腺癌切除之前列腺全部含有上皮内赘瘤。All 36 prostates resected for treatment of prostatic adenocarcinoma contained foci of PIN.

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对疫点仅采取传染源控制措施较为经济、有效。The case management method is effective and economic for foci malaria control in these areas.

腋窝淋巴结癌转移灶保留原发灶的形态学特点。Metastatic foci in the axillary nodes maintain the morphology identical to the primary lesions.

混合型5例24个病灶,为多种表现并存,其中支气管充气征10个,磨玻璃征12个。Of the 24 mixed-type foci in 5 cases, 10 had air bronchogram and 12 had ground-glass opacities.