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罗伊特伦顿用来驱动一辆出租车。Roy Trenton used to drive a taxi.

我们将在Trenton建造一座社区花园。We'll be building a community garden in Trenton.

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你知道特伦顿有多少退休警察吗?。You know how many retired cops there are in trenton?

特顿所有的先发打者们都至少打回了一分。All of Trenton 's starters drove in at least one run.

1936年,豪普特曼在特伦顿州监狱被送上电椅执行死刑。He was electrocuted at the Trenton State Prison in 1936.

这样的优异成绩足以使他今年从二A出发。That was good enough to allow him to open this year with Double-A Trenton.

从弗吉尼亚,南亚和印度,到肯尼亚城市和特伦顿,区别是什么?How does it differ in Virgin, in South Asia and in India to city in Kenya, to Trenton?

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克里斯多佛?特伦顿先生1895年在英国伦敦成立了特伦顿公司。The Trenton Company was started by Sir Christopher Trenton in 1895 in London, England.

新泽西中西部的一个社区,位于特伦顿市西北偏北,它是主要的住宅区。人口34,842。A community of west-central New Jersey north-northwest of Trenton. It is mainly residential. Population, 34,842.

罗伊·特雷顿原是出租车司机,但是就在前不久,他开始驾驶了公共汽车,也并不对此而感到后悔。Rov Trenton used to drive a taxi. A short while ago, however, he became a bus-driver and he was not regretted it.

罗伊.特雷顿原是开出租汽车的,然而就在前不久,他开上了公共汽车,也并不为此而感到后悔。Roy Trenton used to drive a taxi. A short while ago, however, he became a bus driver and he has not regretted it.

乔治华盛顿计划突袭的敌军部队驻扎在特拉华河特伦顿,新泽西州。George Washington planned a surprise attack on the enemy forces camped across the Delaware River in Trenton , New Jersey.

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像许多老工业城市一样,在二战末期Trenton被看到他的经济基础在明显的减少。Like many former industrial cities, Trenton has seen its economic base dwindle dramatically since the end of World War II.

这个新闻说,起初人们认为从天空降落到特伦顿使许多人丧命的物体是陨星。According to the broadcast, out of the heavens, objects at first believed to be meteors crashed down near Trenton , killing many.

Siswanto也喜欢喝受害者的血,因为他喜欢这样,就像约翰乔治黑格,理查德特伦顿大通,彼得库尔滕。Siswanto also liked to drink their victim's blood because he liked it, as did John George Haigh, Richard Trenton Chase, Peter Kurten.

华盛顿下令他的军队阅读潘恩的散文,然后这支军队就越过达拉维尔,在特兰顿战役中击败了和逊人。Washington ordered Paine 's essay read to his troops before they crossed the Delaware to defeat the Hessians at the Battle of Trenton.

一七七六年圣诞夜,天气寒冷,华盛顿率军渡过德拉威河,准备突袭特兰顿市的英军。On the cold Christmas night of 1776, Washington led his troops across the Delaware on a surprise attack on the British occupying Trenton.

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现在,把特伦顿换成中国,那么,你对过去几十年的全球经济就会作出一种虽然过分简单却又相当准确的描述。Well, replace Trenton with China, and you have a simplistic, but pretty accurate description of the global economy over the last few decades.

1997年至2002年期间,鲁德尔曼极具攻势地报道了特伦顿市的种族定性事件,披露了新泽西州警察相关举动的一些事件。From 1997 through 2002, Ruderman aggressively covered Trenton and broke several major stories about racial profiling by the New Jersey State Police.

那时的文斯还是一个餐馆用品的经销商,盘算着在卡姆登费城或是特伦顿的穷人区开一家披萨店或是熟食店…Vince, who buys and sells restaurant equipment, was setting up pizzerias and delis in poorer sections of cities like Camden, Philadelphia, and Trenton.