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她那渐淡的兴趣重被激起。Her flagging interest awoke.

标记不适当的内容。Flagging of inappropriate content.

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痛苦使呼吸是困难,而且他气喘,下垂的步骤。The pain made it hard to breathe, and he wheezed , steps flagging.

最近的统计数据显示,它并没有出现衰退现象。And recent statistics suggest the iPhone shows no signs of flagging.

但这部电影在很大程度上能重新点燃他们演艺事业的辉煌。But this film could relight some of their flagging careers in a big way.

咨询眼睑下垂手术痊愈。费用大概?Seek advice from heal of palpebral and flagging operation. Charge probably?

随着经济的衰退,没有人的工作是安全的,即使是对一个情妇而言。With the flagging economy, no one's job is secure, not even for a mistress.

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根据母犬行为,如垂尾、静立等待配种等,都是处在发情的标志行为。Behavior of the bitch, such as flagging the tail and standing to be mounted.

患者闭嘴时,颊肌极为松弛,故口角下垂。When the patient shuts up, buccinator is very flabby, reason quarrel is flagging.

她挥动着手臂,就像是在挥手让车辆停下来,直到博多先生点她的名字方才罢休。She waved her arm like she was flagging down traffic until Mr. Porto called on her.

贫穷国家发展的关键是把经济疲弱地区和快速增长地区衔接起来。Forpoor countries, the keytodevelopment is to link up flagging and fast-growing regions.

说不定,你能找到些帮助,让摩托罗拉的旗帜性的手机业务开始好转吧?Surely you could use some help in turning Motorola's flagging cellphone business around?

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在伦敦舞台上取得成功可以提升在本国的受欢迎度,令低迷的演艺生涯大有起色。A success on the London stage brings kudos back home and can give a boost to a flagging career.

但显然,亚马逊的系统中有什么玩意儿将一星评论潮标为一种侵犯。But evidently, something in Amazon's system is flagging waves of 1-star reviews as a violation.

我的部分工作就是在比赛间歇招手拦下职业扑克选手们进行访问。Part of my job was flagging down professional poker players between tournaments for interviews.

花冠厚。反转,有明显的白色绒毛,多朵紧密排列成下垂的圆锥花序。Corollaceous thick, invert, have apparent white nap, many arrange flagging panicle cheek by jowl.

加压运动有助于内脏上升,防治内脏下垂。Pressurization motion conduces to splanchnic rise, prevention and cure is splanchnic and flagging.

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她总是热情地挥舞她的小旗子让汽车停下,穿过车水马龙将产品交到她的顾客手上。She is enthusiastic about flagging cars down and hustles to get the product in her customers' hands.

但真正的恶根并非在于来自国外的竞争,而是来自美国自身生产力的衰退。Yet the real villain is not competition from abroad but flagging productivity growth in the United States.

让意兴阑珊的晚宴重拾活力的一个好方法便是问问大家心中最好的犯罪剧集是哪部。An easy way to revive a flagging dinner party is to ask people to name their choice of the greatest crime show.