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未选择的组将不会被改变。Unselected groups will not be changed.

文本、按钮文本、标题,包括选择和未选择的样式Text, button text, titles, both selected and unselected

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这样的目标将不会成为反选错。That way the targets won't become unselected by mistake.

没有被选中的就是那些刚被激活的插件。The unselected plug-ins are those that were just activated.

没有选择的机会,流失得往往比想象中要快。Unselected choices, always slip away faster than you expect.

通过单击加粗按钮来加粗未选中的字体。Make the unselected font bold by clicking on the bold button.

是否对非选择性的患者有用还需进行验证。To be useful in managing unselected patients, they need a specific validation.

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接下来,我们来定义链接,完成标签在未被选中时的样式。Next, we style the links, completing the look of our tabs in their unselected state.

研究包括6880名非选择性患者,年龄65岁及以上,均来自德国344个初级保健诊所。It included 6880 unselected patients, aged 65 and over, in 344 German primary care offices.

如不加选择地运用美容医学,是对医学核心价值体系的扭曲和嘲弄。It is a retortion and quiz to the system of medical core value if it is used in cosmetic medicine unselected.

NORMAL设置正常的图像列表,对于树视图项目,它包含被选定和未被选定两种图像。TVSIL_NORMAL Set the normal image list, which contains the selected and unselected images for the tree-view item.

在编辑区域中,未被选取的文字的背景颜色。本选项只有在「使用预设色彩」选项关闭后才会生效。Background color for unselected text in the editing area. This will only take effect if the "Use Default Colors" option is turned off.

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已被设成星座首府的哨站在星座主权生效前可以取消其星座首府的设置。Outposts that have been selected as constellation capitals can now be unselected before the Constellation Sovereignty goes into effect.

PFO和偏头痛间的因果关系尚不确定,在未选择的偏头痛患者中PFO封堵术的作用尚有疑问。The causal relationship between PFO and migraine remains uncertain, and the role of PFO closure among unselected patients with migraine remains questionable.

要确认一个基因的确正在被选择,生物学家需要进行其他测试,例如比较被选的和没被选的基因形式来看它们有什么差异。To verify that a gene has indeed been under selection, biologists need to perform other tests, like comparing the selected and unselected forms of the gene to see how they differ.

使用此工具的时候应尽量避免由于过度羽化而导致的“晕轮”效应,从光调变化“渐进”至那些没有选择的区域。It is essential that great care is taken with this tool to avoid the 'halo' effect which is produced when the feathering is too great and the tonal change 'bleeds over' into the unselected zone.