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我很喜欢她的爱情歌曲。I am fond of her affectional songs.

嘉莉立刻感觉到气氛的变化。Carrie realised the change of affectional atmosphere at once.

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最后,性既包括肉体上的亲密,也包含着情感上的亲密。In the end, sexuality includes physical intimacy and affectional intimacy.

婚姻的结合与家庭生活不再是实用的,而是出于爱好。The bonds of marriage and family life are no longer functional, but affectional.

因此,在小学英语教学中情感教育就显的尤其重要。Therefore , affectional education is very important in the period of primary English teaching.

青少年偶像崇拜产生的心理成因有自我认同的需要、心理归属的需要、从众行为的需要等。The Adolescents idolatry is the need of identity and the affectional needs and the need of conformity etc.

健康的恋爱心理和恋爱道德要求是当代大学生恋爱幸福与成功的基础。The main exhibition of amative mentality of undergraduate are affectional need, simulate mentality and the change of value concept.

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在“零余者”与“多余人”上,在情感基调与创作手法上,郁达夫都主动地向屠格涅夫进行了学习。In the creation of zero-man and unwanted man yu dafu had actively learned from turgenev in both affectional tone and writing techniques.

嘉莉立刻感觉到气氛的变化。眼前虽然仍是一片纷乱喧闹和新奇的世界,她感觉到冰冷的现实抓住了她的手。Carrie realised the change of affectional atmosphere at once. Amid all the maze, uproar, and novelty she felt cold reality taking her by the hand.

后来有些朋友看了我这件作品,也觉得很压抑,这跟我想表达的差不多,产生情感上的共鸣。Later, some friends saw this work and felt very oppressive. This is somewhat similar to what I want to express, namely produce affectional resonance.

儒学是一个开放的系统,可以融入竞争时代并在新的竞争中形成新的和谐,从而满足人们的情感需要。It can be melted into the era of competitions and will fulfil its new harmony during new competitions, so as to satisfy the affectional need of people.

这部青春结合吸血鬼的创意电影让我知道吸血鬼也是可以性感的。The director Catherine Hardwicke combines youth affectional film with Scary Movie , let me know that the vampire can be sexy, it is really an innovation.

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透过中国古今战争小说的女性形象塑造可以解读男权社会对于战争女性不无苛刻的道德和情感要求。Through the images shaped in the Chinese war novels, the rigorous ethic and affectional demand for war female in the society of male chauvinism are disclosed.

这些剧作对中国家庭文化传统的传承和社会语境下婚姻、情感问题的剖析,成为都市人提高情感生活质量和反思婚姻生活的重要标量。Some good urban affectional teleplays analyze the essence about affection and wedlock. This makes our audiences think over their family and affection between couples.

它是人与自然的一种主要由血缘决定的自然而然、发自内心、不言自明、近似本能性的特殊的情感关系。Mainly decided by man's strain, it is a special affectional relationship between man and nature, which is natural, intrapersonal, self evident, and almost instinctive.

父母婚姻、家庭经济、同学关系、学习压力、情感问题等是影响民族大学新生心理健康的重要因素。Parent marriage, family income, classmate relationships, study pressure and affectional problem became the important factors that influenced their psychological health.

在「生理的价值」、「心理的价值」、「人际的价值」、「情感的价值」、「职业的价值」、「人生的价值」六种价值层面的重视程度则无差异。However, there is no significant difference on "physiological value", "psychological value", "relationship value", "affectional value", "vocational value" and "human-life value".

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一个运动内部的基督教传统,强调上诉的宗教情绪和情感的性质,个人以及他们的智慧和理性的性质。A movement within the Christian tradition which emphasizes the appeal of religion to the emotional and affectional nature of individuals as well as to their intellectual and rational nature.

那是晨风中摇曳绽放的春色,那是书香里翰墨不干的沉吟,那是枫桥边千年不老的传说,那是西窗下缠绵不绝的情思。It was morning breeze swaying the Spring bloom, it is scholarly in calligraphy quit murmurings, it is a thousand years old Maple Side legend, it was lingering under the West Window Affectional.