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禁止在后院放烟火。Forgo backyard fireworks.

多久才可以看破缠眷美梦。How long can forgo our twining veterans dreams.

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它选择放弃攀比。It has chosen to forgo keeping up with the “Joneses.”

最后关头,舒曼放心不下正直,暂时放弃留学时机。The last moment, schumann secure integrity, forgo study time.

人权组织正在敦促伊朗政府放弃这种刑罚。The rights group is urging Iran to forgo the acid punishment.

不要只因─次挫败,就放弃你曾决心想达到旳彼岸。Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effor.

所以放弃炸鸡,选择无骨、去皮的鸡胸肉烤着吃。So forgo fried and toss boneless, skinless chicken breasts on the grill.

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在紧急期限下工作,你可能放弃睡眠也要完成工作。Working under crunch deadlines, you might often forgo sleep to get work done.

如果用传统的狐鲣鱼汤,应该很简便,但我没用那种汤。It would have been easy to use traditional dashi for the broth, but I chose to forgo it.

我愿意遵守特许经营商的限制,放弃经营销售新产品或概念。I am willing to forgo sales on new ideas and products because of franchisor restrictions.

很多人放弃针对游戏本身进行了真正评价而只是赞成对DRM的嘲弄。A good many forgo an actual critique of the game itself in favor of simply deriding the DRM.

作者警告在哮喘患者放弃他们的吸入器前需要进一步的研究。The authors caution further research is needed before asthma sufferers forgo their inhalers.

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祖父母为了使得最小一辈能够存活下来,放弃他们的食物给小辈们吃。Grandparents might forgo their share of a meal to ensure survival for the youngest generation.

被许可方可以同意条款并接受规定的权限,或者放弃使用软件。A licensee can agree to the terms and enjoy the prescribed permissions or forgo using the software.

那么现在看来,这就意味着你得放弃在懒散的周六上午睡懒觉的习惯了。Now, this might mean that you have to forgo sleeping in long hours on those lazy Saturday mornings.

但是这一次他塑造一个虚幻人物的特质,拥有怪癖的权利。But this time he would forgo the device of a fictional character with a right to his idiosyncracies.

本文第一部分以福尔果案为例,探讨反致制度的传统理念。In the first part, we use Forgo case as an example to discuss the system's traditional concept pf renvoi.

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你可一直避开邻居们的吓人的把戏,仅让孩子去少数的那些所谓“安全”的房子。You can always forgo the trick-or-treating to all the neighbors and just go to a few certain "safe" homes.

意大利有组织呼吁人民在今天罢吃意粉、宽条面及意大利云吞,以抗议价格不断上升。Italians are being urged to forgo spaghetti, tagliatelle and ravioli today to protest against rising prices.

其中,有一个称为“裸体婚礼”的,它不涉及裸露,只是在结婚时放弃一枚戒指、一次聚会、一幢房子和一辆汽车。Among them, a "naked wedding" which doesn't involve nudity but does forgo a ring, a party, a house and a car.