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济南租草皮?。Does Jinan rent a sward?

我是我的草地的骨头。I am the bone of my sward.

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轻度放牧或过度放牧都可以引起人工草地的退化演替。Light grazing or over grazing lead to deteriorative succession of artificial sward.

今年的冬来的那么肆虐,像锋利的刀刃狠狠地割着人的心!This winter came so wildly, so much so that it is just like a sharp sward that cuts my heart brutally.

试验研究了6种放牧强度对牦牛生长及草地第二性生产力的影响。The effect of 6 grazing intensities on growth of yak and the secondary productivity of sward was studied.

土壤腐殖质层可被定义为在草皮与土壤表面之间的一层有机残留物。Thatch can be described as the layer of organic residue located immediately between the sward and the soil surface.

在那里的一个僻隐而荫翳的地方,一棵巨大的白松下面有片清洁而坚实的草地,可以坐坐。There, in a very secluded and shaded spot, under a spreading white pine, there was yet a clean, firm sward to sit on.

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一款典雅的爬草,细剑梢上带著小花,行长在我们右侧的稻田边缘。A graceful creeper with a tiny blossom trailed along the narrow strip of sward that edged the rice-field on our right.

长的植物提供了安全的巢穴,而田云雀发现在矮草丛中捕食昆虫更容易。The long stuff provides secure nesting, while the pipits find it easier to find their insect prey in closer-cropped sward.

之后他被彼得克劳奇换下,被担架抬进了休息室,英格兰的队医检查了他的膝盖。He was replaced by Peter Crouch and stretchered to the physio room, where England team doctor Leif Sward examined the knee.

试验结果表明,黑麦草草地草皮高度和牧草供给量均具有明显的时空异质性。The results of our study showed, that there was a strongly spatial and temporal variability in the sward height and herbage allowance.

本文研究了不同放牧强度下黑麦草草地牧草供给量的时空动态和草皮结构。The spatial and temporal dynamics of the herbage allowance and sward structure were studied under 2 different grazing intensities on a Lolium pasture.

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随着现代文学批评的展开与深入,论辩话语方式被煅造成一把典型的文论双刃剑。With the spread and deepening of modern literary criticism, debate, as a means of discourse, has become a typical sward of double blades for literary theory.

兰岭绿之剑形如绿剑,汤色绿亮,清香持久,滋味鲜爽,实为茗中新贵。Lanling Lvzhijian tea gives a feature of sward shape, green and bright steeping water, long-lasting fragrance, pleasant taste, is a new high quality tea indeed.