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蕃茄蛋花紫菜酸辣海鲜任选!Tomato egg flower laver acid seafood choose!

紫菜中的丰富胆碱,对记忆衰退有改善作用。The rich choline in laver can reduce memory loss.

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利用微波能对小包装紫菜进行杀菌保鲜研究。In this study microwave was used to sterilize and preserve laver.

在20年职业生涯中,拉沃尔共夺得11个大满贯头衔。Rod Laver won 11 Slams total over the course of his 20-year career.

你钟情于火鸡,紫菜包饭,还是火锅?Are you a fan of turkey, Korean laver take boarder, or Chinese hot pot?

但李娜周四没有信念很难走到中心球场。But Li should hardly walk into Rod Laver Arena without belief Thursday.

“我一直认为一个人是一个时代的最佳。”拉沃尔周日说。I've always thought that you're the best in your era, " Laver said Sunday."

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前方记者大卫·劳将在罗德拉沃尔球场为我们带来最新消息。Our reporter David Law can bring us all the latest from the Rod Laver Arena.

煮滚后加入芹菜段与紫菜以小火慢煮。After boiled, add celery and laver. Let the soup boil over low heat for a while.

我在中心球场拉沃尔球场参加了许多比赛,现在我渴望艰苦比赛的到来。I played a lot of all the matches on Laver now.Probably will keep on doing that.

罗德·拉沃是唯一两度赢得大满贯的澳洲男网选手。Rod Laver is the only male tennis player to win the grand slam and he did it twice.

全燔祭坛和坛上的一切用具、盆和盆座。And the altar of holocausts with all its appurtenances, and the laver with its base.

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紫菜多糖与刺槐豆胶、卡拉胶和魔芋粉没有协效性。Laver polysaccharides had little synergy with locust bean gun, carrageenan and konjak gum.

如东到启东沿海,尤其吕泗附近对于紫菜养殖最为理想。The coastal area fromRudongto Qidong, especially for around Lvsi was most ideal for laver culture.

今天他给我们做了辣虾、炸鸡腿、蘑菇炒肉、清炒白菜、紫菜汤。Today he gave us spicy shrimp, Fried chicken legs, mushroom fry meat, stir-fried cabbage, laver soup.

但穆雷强势赢得了这次在罗德·拉沃尔球场的比赛中的重头戏。But Murray was winning strongly in one of the best contests at the Rod Laver Arena in this tournament.

在英国的有些地方,红藻类等食用紫菜都被广泛应用在烹饪中,人们或是直接食用。In some parts of Britain such types as dulse, laver or sloke are eaten by themselves or used in cooking.

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他们发现一种混合物杀死了从幼虫到成虫的寄生虫。They found that one camper compound hear killed the parasite at every level of development-from laver larva to adult.

作者使用自行研制的立式超声流磨装置对钢质薄壁气缸套松孔镀铬层进行了超声珩磨试验。The Chromium laver with craze of a thin-wall steel liner was machined by a vertical ultrasonic honing device designed by us.

又用在会幕门口服务的妇女所用的铜镜,做了铜盆以及盆座。He made also the laver of brass, with the foot thereof, of the mirrors of the women that watch at the door of the tabernacle.