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也许陶渊明性格成分中被人们讨论得最多的是他的归隐。Probably the most discussed aspect of Tao's life is his reclusion.

已过古稀之年的他长期隐居在山洞里,被当地人称为“圣人”。He was over 70 years old and lived a long life of reclusion in a cave.

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三者不同的隐逸风格影响了其诗歌的创作风貌。Their different reclusion style decided their different poem character.

孤山的秀丽景色与城郊的地理位置有利于人们对林逋隐逸的评判。Beautiful scene and suburb location is in favor of the judge of LIN Bu' s reclusion.

在陆治长年隐居生活中,园艺操作也是生活的一部分。In reclusion after the age of around 50, gardening was an important part of Lu's life.

我想喊,并极力寻找任何可能的标志来指点我找到一个妥善的解决办法。I wanted to scream and searched desperately for any signs that would guide me to a painless reclusion.

霍华德·休斯似乎为如今强迫症名人们的怪癖和遁世树立了标杆。Howard Hughes seems to have set the standard for today's hypochondriac celebrities' tics and reclusion.

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隐逸现象是中国文化中一种非常特殊且耐人寻味的文化现象。Reclusion is a very special cultural phenomenon that affords for thought in Chinese traditional culture.

我们可以从这些评价中透视鲁迅对陶渊明归隐乃至对传统文化的真正态度。We can perceive Lu Xun's authentic attitude to Tao Yuanming's reclusion from his high estimation of Tao Yuan ming.

遁世的情结始终贯穿于宋元以来趋于巅峰的文人画当中。The attempt of reclusion in artistic practice can be traced back to the literati paintings since the Song and Yuan dynasties.

在这个童话里,所能读到的不光是一个属于过去的暗示,还有一个属于今天的、遁世之后的想象。From this story, what we can read is not only the legacy from the past, but also an imagination in the reclusion with the artist.

然而几次考试都没有考上,于是选择书画和园艺生涯,另外走出一条路来。After failing the civil service examinations several times, however, he chose the path of painting, calligraphy, and gardening in reclusion . Mt.

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“吏隐”是反映和概括中国古代士人生活观念、生活方式的重要概念。The "official reclusion" reflects and summarizes some important concepts of the ancient Chinese scholars' life styles and their ideas about life.

隐居不仕既是遗民词人在宋元易代之际的生活方式,也是他们在悲剧性生命体验里消解苦闷、寻求解脱的必然选择。Living in reclusion is both the style of life for the Survivor Ci-poets and the natural choice for them to seek relief in tragic life experiences.

大画家黄公望善作题画、咏画诗,诗僧清珙多写隐居生活和山水景致。The great painter Huang Gongwang was good at syncretizing poems and paintings, while the poem monk Qing Gong mainly wrote about reclusion and landscape.

野滥缕菊便是被选来祭奠四世纪时在埃及过着隐遁生活的圣马卡流士的花。Chrysanthemum of wild excessive detailed is to be chosen to come sacred the Shengmaka that reclusion lives in Egypt when 4 centuries flows person flower.

古代隐逸诗经历了从“招隐”到“寻隐”的转变,唐代名家于“寻隐”诗几均有所作。Ancient poems of reclusion underwent the transference from calling to inquiring for recluse. Eminent poets in the Tang Dynasty generally had writings on it.

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其隐逸并非个别现象,而是全社会的大逃逸,由此形成独特的元曲隐逸文化。This reclusion is dominant not only in operas, but also permeates the whole society, which composes the unique culture of reclusion embodied in Yuan operas.

项圣谟爱好隐逸生活,经常以隐居为画题,歌颂田园朴素生活的情景。Hsiang was found of the hermitic lifestyle, often taking the subject of reclusion and the hermit for his painting as he sung the praises of simple, rustic life.

第二节分别从感慨疮痍、家国之痛、隐逸心态等三个角度契入,对戴表元诗歌的主题取向进行剖析。Section Two analyzes the theme choice of his poetry from three directions of emotional sigh, the painfulness of losing family and homeland as well as the feeling of reclusion.