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老是目的弘远!Always aim high!

在Gmail中使用即时通。Use AIM in Gmail.

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你太好高鹜远了。You aim too high.

将职业目标定高陆。Aim high in your career.

我并没打算伤害你。I don't aim to hurt you.

你若问我们的目标是什么?Youask, what is our aim?

还有,瞄准那个半身人。And aim for the halfling.

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目的合成芝麻酚。Aim To synthesize Seasmol.

他把他的目标对准我们。He directed his aim to us.

他正好击中了目标。He has just hitted the aim.

他们的目标又高又远。They aim too high and wide.

把目标定得比一百万高一些。Aim higher than one million.

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这就是多元化的宗旨。That is the aim of pluralism.

他们瞄准了错误的目标。They aim at the wrong target.

对于策展人,展览的目的究竟是什么?What do you aim at, curators?

但它是我们始终不变的目标。But it will always be our aim.

提升自己,即向高峰挑战。To improve is to aim for high.

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美国对阿富汗动兵的目的为何?What's the aim in Afghanistan?

这么着才能瞄准。You should take aim like this.

要不,咱申请清华?Or should we aim for Tsinghua?!