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我住在徐汇区。I live on Xuhui district.

乌干达古卢地区***Uganda, Gulu district ***

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联系湖里区。Contact the Lake District.

三是严抓区队。Strict District Third Team.

我住在振兴小区。I live in Zhenxing District.

海珠区绣花QQ群?District embroidery QQ group?

在江门的新会区。In Jiangmen's Xinhui District.

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欢迎来花园区。Wecome to the Garden district.

游客常去那个地方。Tourists frequent the district.

欢迎来花园小区。Welcome to the Garden District.

地区真正是“带头前进”。District 3450 is "leading the way".

我们学校在崇文区。Our school is in Chongwen District.

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这个地区有一个中心图书馆。The district has a central library.

区队的安全愿景是什么?District Safety Vision team is what?

他为了选票向这选区游说拜票。He canvassed the district for votes.

宁远县是一个丘陵地区。Ningyuan County is a hilly district.

我先朝商业区走去。I took off for the shopping district.

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其他人在银座区。The others are in the Ginza district.

放眼望去,都是舒适的房间。Cozy rooms look out over the district.

这一地区是中国的贫困之最。It is the most poor district of China.