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他们宣称氟化水是有害的。They Claim That Fluoridation Is Dangerous.

书中也没有对饮水加氟法进行阐述,在营养学方面也较少被提及。There is nothing on the fluoridation of water, and too little on nutrition.

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方法计算实施调节水氟浓度所需的设备、运作与维护成本。Methods The cost on fluoridation equipment installation, operation and maintenance were calculated.

同时,包括世界卫生组织在内的国际健康机构都支援水的氟化工程。And international health organizations including the world health organization support water fluoridation programs.

国内外大量研究与观察证明饮水氟化是最安全、投入产出比最佳的预防龋齿的公共卫生措施。Many studies and observations have demonstrated that drinking water fluoridation is the safest and the most economical public healthy measure.

近100个国家和国际组织认识到公共健康利益的社区水中加氟预防龋齿。Nearly 100 national and international organizations recognize the public health benefits of community water fluoridation for preventing dental caries.

疾病预防和控制中心已经称饮水的氟化为二十世纪十大公众卫生措施之一。The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have named fluoridation of water as one of the 10 most important public health measures of the 20th century.

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不幸的是在1989年沙巴团结党执政的州政府‘终止’沙巴食水添加氟化物,因为食水供应是州政府所管。In 1989, the then PBS state government took the unfortunate step of "discontinuing" the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies in Sabah because water is a "state matter".

“我们发现从出生开始用氟化物具有更多的益处。”H说道,圣弗朗西斯加利福尼亚大学的牙科临床教授。"We know that the benefits of fluoridation are greatest from birth, " said Howard Pollick, a professor of clinical dentistry at the University of California, San Francisco.

目的了解南海市南庄、小塘两镇空气氟含量,为在当地进行饮水氟化项目提供参考。Objective To evaluate the concentration of fluoride in the air of Nanzhuang, Xiaotang in Nanhai City and offer references for the water fluoridation schemes in the very areas.

不过,包括李威在内的大部份科学家仍然支持饮水加氟,尤其是在口腔卫生较差的社区,因为这是证明可以控制蛀牙的方法。Most of those scientists, including Levy , still support water fluoridation as a proved method of controlling tooth decay, especially in populations where oral hygiene is poor.

美国牙齿组织,自1950年起支持水中氟化物,说科学家们持续的展示在水中添加矿物质是安全并对牙齿有益的。The American Dental Association, which has supported fluoridation of community water since 1950, says scientists continue to show adding the mineral to water is safe and aids tooth health.