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中国出口生铁。China exported crude iron.

它脖子上戴着一个破项圈。Around his neck was a crude collar.

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原油来源于沙三段烃源岩。This crude is from S 3 source rocks.

一张简陋的大竹床铺着厚厚的稻草。A crude bed was covered by thick straws.

它们的果子仍旧坚硬青涩。Their berries are still harsh and crude.

他们每天的工作是精炼原油。Their daily work is to refine crude oil.

大声喝汤是非常粗鲁的行为。Drinking soup loudly is a crude behavior.

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在这里,喧哗吵闹、低级庸俗的谈话是绝对行不通的。Loud crude talk is a definite no-no here.

它和原油不存在物理上的相似之处。It has no physical resemblance to crude oil.

都是假的——就是一场戏,还是漏洞百出的。This is all fake — a drama, and a crude one.

像荒山里无人问津的拙玉Like crude jade undiscovered on a barren hill

他的心灵深处有个混沌一团,尚未成形的幻想。There was a crude unformed vision in his soul.

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国外的需求提高了原油的价格。Demand from abroad bumped the price of crude oil.

此外,沙特的原油含硫量很高。Further, the Saudi crude is very high in sulphur.

矿井喷出大量的原油。应该是quanlities才对吧?The mine expelled a great qualities of crude oil.

我们转向上游走,发现了一座粗糙的木桥。We turned upstream to find a crude wooden bridge.

过量的树脂悬浮于粗匀浆中。Excess resin is suspended in the crude homogenate.

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他那残忍的主人甚至连他的食物也不愿给他。His crude master grudged him even the food he ate.

我从不欣赏他那低级趣味的幽默。I' ve never appreciated his crude sense of humour.

战士们匆忙地建造了一座简易的木头馒垒。The soldiers hastily constructed a crude log fort.