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双重启动。Dual booting.

我拥有双重性格。I have dual personality.

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她有双重国籍。She has dual nationality.

我这人是双重性格。This is my dual personality.

回转式双重洗涤系统。Rotatory Dual Washing System.

元语言具有双重性。Metalanguage has dual natures.

所有的RTD应双元素。All RTDs shall be dual element.

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这架飞机有两套操纵装置。The airplane had dual controls.

这车有双排气管。The car has dual exhaust pipes.

我们是否都拥有双重籍贯?。Do we all hold dual citizenship?

没有辅助双电路系统。Not-assisted dual circuit system.

维京双重能力是便利的。The Viking dual ability is handy.

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单卵双胎与遗传无关。Odd egg dual and genetic Mo close.

快速释放双安全带扣。Quick-release dual safety buckles.

新的5D是否将支持传票卡片?Will the new 5D support dual cards?

每个问题都有对偶性。Every problem has a dual equivalent.

如何双保险工作的健康?。How Does Dual Health Insurance Work?

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双低功率频率合成器。Dual low-power frequency synthesizer.

这个房屋有新的双窗格的窗口。This home has new dual paned windows.

双拉环,一个简单的开和关。Dual pull tabs for an easy on and off.