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宿舍的囤积着。Dorm hoarder.

十在宿舍内有炊爨行为。Cooking in the dorm.

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学校男生宿舍出租,双人间。School dorm for rent.

你住在宿舍吗?Do you live in a dorm?

宿舍里的居家生活。Family life in a dorm.

她也住在同一座宿舍楼。She lived in my dorm also.

宿舍内包窗套。Window casing in dorm room.

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我的宿舍是十四楼三一八房间。My dorm is Room 318, Building 14.

我怎样评价宿舍的有关政策呢?What do I think of the dorm policy?

窗外,新宿舍,庆北大学食堂。View from the window of my new dorm.

你怎样评价宿舍的有关政策呢?What do you think of the dorm policy?

我们实际上住在同一幢宿舍楼。So we actually lived in the same dorm.

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大学宿舍生活可能相当难受。College dorm life can be rather trying.

之前经常跟我们宿舍舍长两人一起来吃饭…I used to have meals with my dorm head.

她宿舍的室友也都挂上了帘子。So did all the other roommates in her dorm.

你必需先拾掇好宿舍才干分开。You must you dorm together before you leave.

他们提出了有关膳宿收费的问题。They brought up the subject of the dorm rate.

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比如,你卧室里的恒温器For example, the thermostat in your dorm room.

你们怎么能忍受得了住在这么脏乱的宿舍里呢?。How can you stand living in such a messy dorm?

你是住在男女兼收的宿舍呢,还是住在女生宿舍?。Do you live ina coed dorm or is just for girls?