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然后去把火苗儿吹起。I went to blow the fire aflame.

街上灯火辉煌。The street is aflame with lamps.

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甚至汽车的轮胎也会燃烧。Even the car's tires were aflame.

山岭在残阳的燃烧中走向夜晚。Set the mountain aflame to-night.

那姑娘窘得涨红了脸。That girl is aflame with embarrassment.

悬崖上枫林红似火。The cliff was aflame with crimson maple.

论坛很快被批评的帖子引燃了。The forum was soon aflame with critical posts.

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在内罗毕非法枪支被销毁,肯尼亚。Illegal weapons are set aflame in Nairobi, Kenya.

这时,黄河,他看见黄河又燃烧起来了。At this point the Yellow River was set aflame again.

灿烂的秋光染红了枫叶。The maple leaves are aflame with brilliant autumnal sunshine.

我感觉到了星火。它的每一次闪耀都引燃我心中的情殇。I feel the stars. Each sparkle sets aflame the pain in my heart.

中国是全国都布满了干柴,很快就会燃成烈火。All China is littered with dry faggots which will soon be aflame.

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打开泛着墨香的语文书,我怀着激动的心情朗读着,心中有感而发。Open the Chinese book that mo, I read with aflame mood, like in my heart.

他们又纵火焚烧了你的圣殿,把你圣名的居所亵渎于地面。They defiled your sanctuary and set aflame the dwelling place of your name.

爱是创造之火,是使提高的火把燃烧不熄的灵感。Love is the creative fire, the inspiration that keeps the torch of progress aflame.

爱是创造之火,是使进步的火炬燃烧不熄的灵感。Love is the creative fire, the inspiration that keeps the torch of progress aflame.

新萌之爱,激起你的感情,触动你的灵魂,让血液着火,让两颗心燃烧。New love, stirs the emotion, moves the soul and fires the blood setting hearts aflame.

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他的脸涨得通红、因为愤怒、羞愧和蔑视自己,好象连裸露在外面的膝盖都泛上一层红晕。His face was aflame , even his knees seemed to blush with rage, shame, self-depreciation.

山脊是赭红色,在烈日的烤照下,真像是在燃烧的火焰。Under the burning sun the reddish ochre ridge-tops of the mountain really do appear to be aflame.

我告诉你们,燃起了生、老、死,燃起了忧、哀、痛、悲、惨。Aflame , I say, with birth, aging &death, with sorrows, lamentations, pains, distresses, &despairs.