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可怜的老铁甲拳。Poor old mailed fist.

他举起拳头。He upped with his fist.

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好的,让我们一起握拳。Well, let's make a fist.

安用拳头打他。Ann hit him with her fist.

我用拳头揍他。I struck him with my fist.

他用拳头猛揍她。I struck him with my fist.

愤怒之下,他抓住孩子狠命地摇。Don't shake your fist at me.

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我攥紧拳头向他击去。I clenched my fist and hit him.

这又引起了另一场拳打脚踢。That led to another fist fight.

这两人紧握拳头向他进逼过来。Menace with one's fist clenched.

在他们的棍棒和拳脚下,我就是一个奴隶。I was a slave under club and fist.

首先先让我们唱起来跳起来吧!Fist let's sing and dance together.

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到了你再也不能握紧拳头的时候。When you can no longer make a fist.

他用拳头猛击桌子。He whammed his fist against the desk.

我们的宝宝喜欢吮吸她的小拳头。Our baby liked sucking her small fist.

仍余一个拳头能紧握刀锋。While still one fist can draw a knife.

他把拳头伸到我脸前。He thrust his fist in front of my face.

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锻压成型,工字形断面,两端拳式。Forged shape, "H"section, fist end type.

他一拳击中了他的下巴。He nailed him on the chin with the fist.

辩论以斗殴而告终。The argument culminated in a fist fight.