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现在我们要填充分子状态,对于假定的He2来说。Now let's go and fill the molecular states for the putative He2.

值得注意的是3-末端的非翻译区相对较长。Surprisingly, the 3 putative untranslated regions were relatively long.

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该基因编码的蛋白含有两个AP2结构域。This gene encodes a putative transcription factor carrying two AP2 domains.

就连素有推动和平进程上帝之父之称的沙特阿拉伯也十分谨慎。Even Saudi Arabia, the putative godfather of the peace process, sounded wary.

我迅速创建了一个悖论,简单地使用了你所假定的P。I've created a paradox, neat as can be --- and simply by using your putative P.

其编码产物具有线粒体转移信号肽。Its encoding product contains a putative mitochondrial targeted signal peptide.

有几个其他假定亚凯门鳄鳄值得一提。There are a few other putative subspecies of Caiman crocodilus worth mentioning.

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自称目击者的人士后来声称他们只是在夜间听到噪音。Putative witnesses later said they had inferred the rapes from noises in the dark.

中国在海外的投资计划,有时会面对一种下意识的民族主义反应。Putative Chinese investments abroad sometimes face a reaction of knee-jerk nationalism.

氨基酸的替换趋于集中在假定的抗原结合位点附近。The substitutions of amino acid tended to gather around the putative antigen-binding sites.

PVLAS团队便由这个数据推断出轴子的质量及其交互作用的强度。From its data, the PVLAS group infers the mass of the putative axions and how strongly they interact.

本论文选择了预测分泌强度第二高的一个稻瘟病菌几丁质结合蛋白成员MGG_00227.5基因,初步分析了其功能。In this study, we further characterized the function of MGG_00227.5 out of the 17 putative CBP genes.

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MIM可能的同系物MIM-B同样被认为编码一种假定的转移抑制蛋白。Its potential homologue MIM-B is also thought to code a putative tumor metastasis suppressor protein.

REBASE中最快增长的部分包含在序列数据库中发现的推断的R-M系统。The fastest growing segment of REBASE contains the putative R-M systems found in the sequence databases.

其实除了这个假设的“偶极矩”,电子内还存在一种实际可测量的“磁极矩”。Besides their putative electric dipole moment electrons have a real and measurable magnetic dipole moment.

该男子还表示,揭示家族的秘密历史不仅仅是他私人的要求。The campaign to uncover this putative family history is more than a personal quest, the man told El Mundo.

杰克·汤普森将取自德国所谓的“独角兽洞”里的史前骨骸组装成了一个假想的独角兽。Jack Tompson assembled prehistoric bones from the so-called "Unicorn Cave" in Germany. into a putative unicorn.

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但是,不论那些假定存在的起重机有多么的神奇,与达尔文进化有多么的不同,它们不可能有魔力。But, however wonderful and however different from Darwinian evolution those putative cranes may be, they cannot be magic.

目的调查有不同口腔疾病的大学生中口腔原虫与口腔疾病的关系。ObjectiveTo explore the putative relation between oral disease and oral protozoa in students with different oral diseases.

为了产生摆脱赤贫所需要的经济增长,意味着要带领公司进入公认的天堂。Generating the economic growth needed to lift people out of abject poverty means ushering corporations into putative paradise.