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最后,它进入休眠。Finally, it goes dormant.

这是座休眠的火山。This is a dormant volcano.

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它已经有一些萎靡不振。it'd become kind of dormant.

秋冬----幼虫呈休眠状态。Fall and Winter----Larvae are dormant.

这座休眠火山突然爆发了。This dormant volcano suddenly fired up.

休眠火山可能在任何时间爆发。VOLCANO】A dormant volcano may explode at any time.

而处于休眠状态意味着终有一天你要面临它。Becoming dormant means you live to fight another day.

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把巨型独石的睡眠状态的系统大部分带来回来在线。Brings most of the Monolith's dormant systems back online.

她的钟爱之情蛰伏着但很容易被唤醒。Her feelings of affection are dormant but easily awakened.

在2005年曾再次短暂露面,但随机再次沉寂。It re-emerged briefly in 2005 but was then largely dormant.

把一些巨型独石的睡眠状态的系统带来回来在线。Brings several of the Monolith's dormant systems back online.

天窗,通风窗,老虎窗,百叶窗,软百叶窗。Skylight, clearstory, dormant window, louver, venetian blinds.

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他们一见面,他对她的旧情如干柴烈火般又重新燃起。As soon as they met again his dormant love FOR her was rekindled.

别忘了,最近的调研显示,这是一座休眠火山。Don't forget. According to the most recent surveys, it's dormant.

休眠期是这种植物生活史中的另一个阶段。The dormant period is another stage in the life cycle of the plant.

天窗,通风窗,老虎窗,百叶窗,软百叶窗。Skylight, clearstory, dormant window, louver, venetian window blinds.

它也是一个唤醒和强化潜在技能的机会。It is also a chance for dormant skills to be reawakened and reinforced.

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然后,用全感官性爱唤醒他们沉寂已久的快感中枢。Then, use sensual lovemaking to reawaken their dormant pleasure centers.

这座高三千七百七十六公尺的休眠火山对日本人而言是国家的象征。The 3,776-meter dormant volcano is a national symbol for Japanese people.

在遥远极寒之处蛰伏的冰雪魔神,顺从我的召唤前来。Between dormant in the distant arctic ice devil, to follow my call to come.