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苹果在中国赚取大量现金。Apple has made oodles of cash in China.

一些程序还有许多您并不一定希望拥有的特性。Some programs also have oodles of features that you might or might not want.

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对我来说,唯一能玩或者会玩技巧的人都是那些有钱的老顾客。To me the only people who played or could play tips were the customers old jiggers with oodles of dough.

对我来说,能玩或者能炒作内部消息的人,都是持有大把现金、经验老道的客户。To me the only people who played or could play tips were the customers old jiggers with oodles of dough.

入口丰韵,口感饱满,有肉感,但非常顺滑,成熟水果的气息,回味悠长、平衡。In mouth, the wine is rich, full, meaty and silky with oodles of ripe fruit and a long and balanced finish.

所以,当谈到痤疮药品一个最好的事情,你可以做的是吃、喝巨量的水权。So, when it comes to acne medicines, one of the best things you can do is eat right and drink oodles of water.

抗氧剂oodles在咖啡豆烘烤过程中变得更为有益了吗?The oodles of antioxidants in coffee beans, some of which become especially potent during the roasting process?

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毫无质疑的是美国的公司税制是一个错综复杂的包含高法定税率却同时给与众多豁免的混乱体。No one doubts that America's corporate-tax system is a Byzantine mess of high statutory rates and oodles of exemptions.

这些程序能够将邮件信息储存在他们自己的硬盘上,其中包括许多定制功能,而且这样的程序脱机使用起来也更为简单。These save the messages to their own hard disks, include oodles of customized features, and can be more easily used offline.

是的,当前财务状况紧缩,但是这些领域有很多潜力,也就意味着经济反弹之后钱肯定会进来。Sure, financing is tight now, but these fields have oodles of potential, meaning the money will come as the economy rebounds.

她的主要优势在于她能力将她自己的大笔钱花在竞选活动上,而布朗先生几乎没有。There, her chief advantage is that she has oodles of her own money to spend on her campaign, whereas Mr Brown has very little.

借款已导致了不可持续的资产价格膨胀,同时过度的投资正产生大量过剩的生产力。That lending is leading to unsustainable asset-price inflation, while wasteful investment is producing oodles of excess capacity.

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美国大量依赖于所得税,更糟糕的是,大量减税措施使税收系统越来越复杂,税基越来越小。The heavy reliance on income taxation is compounded by the narrowness of the tax base, thanks to oodles of complexity-inducing deductions.

美国大量依赖于所得税,由于大量复杂的减税措施,税基的狭小增加了对所得税的高度依赖…The heavy reliance on income taxation is compounded by the narrowness of the tax base, thanks to oodles of complexity-inducing deductions.

Twitter最近受到了媒体的追捧,我猜这让众多的用户来注册,想看看到底这玩意是干嘛用的。Twitter has gotten oodles of media attention lately, and I'm guessing that many users are signing up just to see what the ruckus is about.

至少鲁宾斯坦和他的公司很快获得了众多程序和开发者,关于谁的DNA支配着Pre的问题会被讨论。Unless Rubinstein and company get oodles of programs and developers on board pronto, the question of whose DNA dominates the Pre will be moot.

并且抄近道在网络中很难,除了许多正面交火进入这个世界还必须交一些费用。And “walking the path” isn’t easy online—apart from the oodles of firefights, there is also a fee the player must play to jack into this world.

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这套乐趣无穷的影碟除了充满不同的故事,更有令大家想跳舞的歌曲,快来加入阿宝、飞宝、科莉还有他们的朋友吧!In this fantastic video there are stories galore , songs to get everyone dancing, and oodles of fun with Pom, Fimbo, Florrie and their friends.

拥有让人着迷的美貌和非凡魅力,这位多才多艺的三栖艺人凭借电影中的歌舞表演而成为美貌与智慧兼备的明星。Blessed with exotic looks and oodles of charisma, this multi-talented triple threat sang and danced her way to fame as a brainy beauty in a smash movie.

拥有让人着迷的美貌和非凡魅力,这位多才多艺的三栖艺人凭借电影中的歌舞表演而成为美貌与智慧兼备的明星。Blessed with exotic looks and oodles of charisma, this muti-talented triple threat sang and danced with her way to fame as a brainy beauty in a smash movie.