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对福建茶秆竹的土壤水文效应进行了分析研究。The soil hydrology effect of Pseudosasa amabilis var.

均在常规体外循环和心脏停搏下手术,共架血管桥101支。The total number or vessel grafts wore 101. 10 PTS had VAR.

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提出了一种两阶段无功综合优化模型。A tow-stage VAR optimization model is presented in this paper.

这是在酸枣仁中首次发现这个化合物。It is the first time to find this compound in zizyphus vulgaris var.

目的研究长药隔重楼的化学成分。OBJECTIVE To study the chemical constituents of Paris polyphylla var.

对南方红豆杉种子休眠原因进行研究。The dormancy mechanism of Taxus chinensis var. mairei seeds wad studied.

是委内瑞拉贵族后裔,在欧洲受教育。The son of a Venezuelan aristocrat, Bol var received a European education.

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对不同生长调节物质对河套蜜瓜器官培养的影响进行了研究。Effects of different growth regulator on organ culture of Cucumis melo var.

枯草杆菌黑色变种芽孢外壳模糊肿胀。The shell of spore of Bacillus subtilis var. niger was blurred and swollen.

对静止补偿器的控制方案和参数整定进行了详尽分析。A detailed analysis is given to the control system of static var compensator.

这是在酸枣仁中首次发现这个化合物。It is the first time to find this compound in zizyphus vulgaris var. spinosus.

我很震惊地发现一个种猪笼草变种物种。I was shocked to find a species of pitcher plant called Nepenthes mirabilis var.

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对自然状态下南方红豆杉茎干向下萌生的气生不定根进行解剖学观察。The anatomical structure of the aerial adventitious roots of Taxus chinensis var.

激素和基质对黄花远志扦插生根的影响试验。Influences of Hormones and Substrates on Cutting Rooting of Polygala arillata var.

红檵木是原产于湖南的观花赏叶树种。Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum is an of ornamental plant originating from Hunan.

撒金特先生的模型结构可以指导西马斯先生VAR等式中的假设。Mr Sargent's structural models could guide assumptions in Mr Sims's VAR equations.

目的研究卵叶三脉紫菀根部的化学成分。Objective To study chemical constituents of the roots in the Aster ageratoides var.

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根系活力及SOD、CAT活性均表现为多粒型品种最高,中间型品种最低。Root and SOD, CAT activity of var. fastingiata is upmost , irregular type is lowest.

var属性定义一个迭代变量,以便在输出列内容时使用。The var attribute defines an iteration variable used in outputting the column content.

对从台湾祥龙火龙果果肉中提取天然红色素的方法和条件进行了研究。The extraction conditions of a natural red pigment from flesh of Hylocereus undutus var.