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婚姻的艺术是牵手永远不嫌老。It is never being too old to hod things.

弄一筐石灰碴来替我堵上这窟窿。A hod of plaster for me to stop this hole with!

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科内尔大学的胡迪利普森设计了一个程序,这个程序发现了解释数据间的关系的方程式。Cornell's Hod Lipson designed a program that discovers equations to explain relationships between data.

通过实验结果显示,篮球战术划区域教学方法明显优于常规教学法。Through the experiment, basketball tactics area-delimited teaching met hod is better than traditional method.

在科内尔大学,胡迪利普森的Eureqa方程式发现一个配置数据的方程,有了突破性的发展。At Cornell, Hod Lipson's Eureqa finds equations to fit data, attaining Newton's insights in a single afternoon.

掠射法测液体折射率是根据光的全反射原理。The measurement of liquid refractive index by grazing met- hod is based upon the principle of total reflection.

数学组组长张云博士在他们的报告中给学生讲述了一些考试注意事项。The HOD of the Mathematics Department, Dr. Zhang, also kindly provided some exam tips for students through his report.

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产品广泛应用于除尘器灰斗壁保温加热、脱水仓保温加热、空气输送斜槽及埋刮板保温加热,是目前除尘系统中较为理想的加热器设备。It can be widely used to preserve heat and to heat the wall of hod of dust collector, drainage bin, flume conveying by air.

并与地下水水质质量评价的灰色聚类方法、模糊数学方法进行了比较。A example was given and comparisons were made with the Grey clustering met hod & fuzzy mathematics of groundwater water quality.

当她还是婴孩时,乔一次不小心把她摔落在煤斗里头。When she was a baby, Jo had accidently dropped her into the coal hod , and Amy insisted that the fall had ruined her nose forever.

以电路结构为出发点,提出了一种简单易记。实用的方法来识别放大电路的反馈组态。Based on topology, the paper suggested an easy easy-to-learn and practical met hod to identify the feedback type of an electronic circuit.

别让通话对方久等。如果需要去寻找资料或者需要接另一个电话,那就告诉对方回头再给打过去。Don't put callers on hod for long periods of time. If it is necessary to hunt for information or to take another call, offer to call back.

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经对继代毒的毒力测定和抗原稳定性试验证明,53-73代毒对狐无致病性,而且毒力稳定。Viruleut and' antigen stability of passages CAV-2 showed that passage 53-73 viruses hod no pathogenicity for fox, but virulence was stable.

本文介绍由表面浮标、缆和中间物体组成的综合海洋缆系统动力学特性的二维时域分析方法。A two-dimensional time domain met hod is presented for the analysis of dynamic behaviour of the ocean cable system in wind, wave and current.

通过一系列铀空心阴极放电灯光谱特性参数的测量,分析了作为光谱测量用的铀空心阴极放电灯的最佳工作参数。From the measurements of spectral characteristic parameters of U HOD lamp the optimal working conditions for spectral measurements are obtained.

将该方法应用于确定排球机器人击球点,实现了在排球机器人工作空间内的球运动路径上任意位置回球。This met hod was applied to the volleyball robot, and it realized hitting action of the ball along its path anywhere within the robot workspace.

在电动机实际工作的电压和电流约束条件下,提出了多相永磁电动机的一种最佳转矩控制方法,该方法能够使电动机在给定的控制电流下获得最大的输出转矩。Under the actual operation lim its of motor voltage and current , a high-efficiency optimum torque control met hod for poly-phase PMSM is proposed.

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高压脉冲水射流在效能上大大优于高压连续水射流,主要用调制方法产生。High pressure pulsed water-jet is greatly superior, in respect of efficiency, to continuous one, and generated mainly using flow modulation met hod.

美国长青超过747超级油轮喷洒在Ein荷德燃烧面积在海法郊外森林中的卡梅尔上二○一○年十二月五日阻燃剂。US Evergreen 747 supertanker sprays fire retardant over a burning area in Ein Hod in the Carmel Forest in the outskirts of Haifa on December 5, 2010.

应用于压敏胶、粘合剂行业,能提高热熔胶和压敏胶的初粘性、持粘性、柔韧性和增加粘接强度。Used in pressure sensitive adhesives, adhesives products. It can improve initial grad and permanence, flexibility, felt intensity of hod melt adhesive.