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在流泪,孙答应他会干重等。In tears, Sun promised he would dw so.

现在得到了dw和du,dv关系。And now we have a relation between dw and du and dv.

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你是如何,到达这个状态的。So the delta v here is an exact differential, but this dw is not.

这两支球队过去两次在DW球场交锋都没有入球产生。The last two matches between these teams at the DW Stadium have finished goalless.

u是内能,或能量,等于dq加上。One is, du, u is called the internal energy dw or just the energy, is equal to dq plus dw.

再次论文介绍了数据仓库建成之后用OLAP技术实现多维数据分析的一些应用实例。Then we use the OLAP technology to show multi-dimension data analysis case of the DW system.

快马的目标是延续他们在DW球场的地方德比战中5场不败的纪录。The Trotters aim to stretch their unbeaten run to five matches in a local derby at the DW Stadium.

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文章在分析数据仓库数据特性的基础上,提出了使用字典法压缩数据仓库数据的方案。This article brings forward a scheme of com-pressing DW data, which basing on DW's data characteristic.

每次我提到双持坦克的时候我的意思都是不想让双持坦克占统治地位。Whenever I say something about DW tanking it is usually to say that we don't want DW tanking to dominate.

我们知道对于pv系统来说,功w可以写成黑板上的两种不同形式。So there's p v work and it's given by the integral minus p external dv or just the integral from one to two of dw.

投资者须留意,衍生权证的价值可以跌至零,届时当初投资的资金将会尽失。Investors should be aware that the value of a DW may fall to zero resulting in a total loss of the initial investment.

老雷对于球队在3-0击败维根的比赛中所表现出的态度和战斗力感到高兴。Harry Redknapp was delighted with the team's attitude and application as we toppled Wigan 3-0 at the DW Stadium on Sunday.

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CDW能有效增强传热效果,相比DW能使吸收时间变短的同时也能增大储气量。CDW can enhance the heat transfer greatly, short the reaction time and increase the gas storage capacity, which is better than DW.

冠军切尔西本赛季的比赛顺风顺水,他们主场6-0战胜斯托克,接着又以同样的比分客场战胜维拉。Champions Chelsea begin the new season in style, beating Stoke 6-0 at Stamford Bridge before thumping Wigan by the same score at the DW Stadium.

29岁的哈布西这个夏天将注定被很多球队追逐,因为他在DW球场的这个赛季发挥的非常出色,而他本人目前却只考虑这最后一战。The 29-year-old could be in demand this summer after an outstanding season at the DW Stadium but his only immediate concern is the relegation battle.

本文分析了数据仓库在保险行业的应用情况,剖析了大连人保险寿数据仓库存在的问题,从而总结出大连人寿保险公司的数据仓库项目的需求。The dw applications in insurance companies , the questions in dalian branch dw project and the requirement of this project are analyzed in the paper.

西尔维斯特呼吁枪手对失利作出积极回应,他们刚在DW球场极其憋屈的上演了莫名其妙的杯具。Mikael Silvestre has called on Arsenal to offer a positive response to losing to Wigan Athletic after being left perplexed by the collapse at the DW Stadium.

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搭建了水合物储气平台,采用稳态恒容降温进行了干水生成水合物储备丙烷、二氧化碳和甲烷的实验。A gas storage apparatus by DW hydrate was set up for studying the storage of propane, carbon dioxide and methane by Steady-state constant-volume cooling method.

同时假定,对于我们目前的目的而言,只有压强做功这就是说,我要把这里的dw替换为负。I also want to assume for our present purposes that there's only pressure volume work going on, which is to say I want to put pdV p dV in here minus p dV for dw.

Devis”系列世界名牌涂料,产品体系包括内外墙环保乳胶漆、装修漆等常用的民用涂料。DW" World Series paint brands, products, systems, including environmental prottion wall with latex paint, paint decoration , And other commonly used civilian paint."