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请先保存此未命名文档。Please save the untitled document first.

我坐在黄昏里,听寂寞编织一个无题的故事。I am sitting in the dusk, listening to loneliness weave an untitled tale.

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这一个蓝、白相间的构图,在赵无极作品之中是十分独特的。The composition of blue and white in Untitled is unique among Zao's works.

计算的值是由未命名控制项的可当地语系化资源字串组成。The calculated value consists of a localizable resource string for untitled controls.

还有一个木头边、像耳朵一样的贝壳状建筑物,仍然立在山上,是布罗斯基先生于2006年完成的未命名作品。Up the hill stands an untitled ear-like wooden band shell built by Mr. Brodsky in 2006.

这时FDA就会签发一封警告信或无标题信函,具体发何种信函则取决于违规行为的性质。FDA will issue either a Warning Letter or an Untitled Letter, depending upon the nature of the violation.

李商隐是我国古代著名诗人,他的无题诗在文学史上影响很大。Li Shangyin was a famous poet in ancient China and his untitled poems had great influence on literature history.

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阿吉莱拉接近在她的迄今无标题的后续行动上的终点线脱去,并且声音可能使爱好者惊讶。Aguilera is nearing the finish line on her as-yet- untitled follow-up to Stripped, and the sound might surprise fans.

在伦敦的一间拍卖行,一名参观者正在观赏方力钧的画作。A visitor views an untitled work by artist Fang Lijun at Christie's auction house in central London, October 10, 2007.

“未命名的斯坦简森项目”一集中讲道里兹曾在四年级时迷上了他。In the episode "The Untitled Stan Jenson Project," it was revealed that Lizzie had a crush on him in the fourth grade.

仅试着Google去搜索“无标题文档”,你将不会相信这数百万的结果中会有你想要的。Just try a search in Google for "untitled document" and you won't believe the millions of results that matches your search.

随着政府部门透明度倡议的提出,各中心现在会在FDA官网上公开更多无标题信函。As a result of the Agency's Transparency Initiative, the Centers are working to disclose more Untitled Letters on FDA's website.

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中国新诗史上从来没有哪一位诗人像北岛那样如此痴迷地写那么多〈无题〉诗!Chinese poetry in the history of which has never been a poet, Bei Dao, as did so many so obsessed with writing the "Untitled" Poem!

和空间的完美分布形成对比的是展出的名字,这些展出都是清一色用一种尴尬的方式强调着“无题”这个名字。The elegant solution to the spaces stands in contrast to the names of the group shows, which repeat "Untitled" in an awkward manner.

朱莉目前正在布达佩斯为这部尚未命名的电影进行紧张的拍摄,据称剧组将于月内转移到波斯尼亚。The Oscar-winning actress is currently shooting the untitled film in Budapest but is scheduled to move production to Bosnia in a month.

西班牙的电影导演阿尔默多瓦和克鲁茨期望说服基德曼,加入到下一步为定名影片的拍摄队伍中。Spanish film-maker Pedro Almodovar and Cruz are hoping to persuade the Oscar winner to join the director's forthcoming untitled project.

李商隐是晚唐杰出的诗人,他善于用婉曲的艺术手法表现自己的情感世界,他的无题诗就体现了这一特点。He was proficient in presenting his emotional world with mild and roundabout artistic methods, which were characterized in his untitled poems.

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李商隐“无题”诗和莎士比亚“十四行”诗分别在中国与英国抒情诗的历史上占有重要地位。Both Li Shangyin's untitled poem and Shakespeare's Sonnet play very important role in the history of lyrical poetry in China and England respectively.

然而,如果这座城市不能提供导演所想要的便利性和激发其动机,那么他的无标题的里约方案可能会改名圣保罗方案。However, should the city be unable to offer the conveniences and inducements that the director wants, his Untitled Rio Project could be the Untitled São Paulo Project.

可自行影印表格。如资料不足或不详,主办机构有权取消申请者的参赛资格。参赛作品不得以无题为名。Photocopy of this form is acceptable. Applicants failing to provide sufficient or accurate information may be disqualified. Entries named " untitled " will not be accepted.