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他是通用汽车公司首席发言人。He is the chief pitchman for GM.

姚明是加州在中国市场的最佳推销员,无人能出其右。California couldn't have a better pitchman in China than Mr. Yao.

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佛罗里达州警方称,电视台广告员贝利·曼斯在坦帕的家中死亡。Florida police say TV pitchman Billy Mays has died in his Tampa home.

佛罗里达警察称电视广告宣传员比利梅斯已经死在了他在塔帕的家里。Florida police say TV pitchman Billy Mays has died in his Tampa home.

电视导购员比利·梅斯作为一名流行文化偶像被人们铭记。Television product pitchman Billy Mays is being remembered as a pop culture icon.

他是代言清洁产品的大明星,死于周日。He's the great pitchman who starred in commercials for cleaning products, and he died Sunday.

凭着他摇滚歌星的发型和六块腹肌,他获聘为安利及博士伦的代言人。His rock-star mane and six-pack a have helped cast him as a pitchman for Amway and Bausch &am Lomb.

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凭着他摇滚歌星的发型和六块腹肌,他获聘为安利及博士伦的代言人。His rock-star mane and six-pack abs have helped cast him as a pitchman for Amway and Bausch & Lomb.

电视新闻先驱者兼时代之音播音员约翰。卡梅伦在美国佛罗里达州西部城市-萨拉索塔逝世!Pioneering TV journalist and Timex watch pitchman John Cameron Swayze died in Sarasota, Florida, at age 89.

1933年禁酒令结束后,雪人几乎变成了所有有名酒厂的形象大使。By the time Prohibition ended in 1933, the snowman had become the pitchman for almost every leading liquor company.

姚明为六七家中国公司担任代言人,它们当中绝大多数都以他所激发的民族自豪感为卖点。Mr.Yao works as a pitchman for a half-dozen Chinese companies, most of which trade on the nationalistic pride he inspires.

姚明为六七家中国公司担任代言人,它们当中绝大多数都以他所激发的民族自豪感为卖点。Mr. Yao works as a pitchman for a half-dozen Chinese companies, most of which trade on the nationalistic pride he inspires.

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中石化的其他海外收购计划并非一帆风顺,此次收购加纳的油田看来也同样困难,尽管该公司有尼尔•布什这样的名人助阵。Its other overseas acquisitions haven't been smooth sailing, and this looks just as tough--despite the company's name-brand pitchman.

消费资本主义已把雪人当成小商贩的应有尽有的服务,从去屑洗发露、轻泻剂到棉塞。Consumer capitalism has pressed the snowman into service as a pitchman for everything from anti-dandruff shampoo to laxatives to tampons.

斯巴鲁傲虎全面诠释了终极旅行车的含义,以至于它把保罗.霍根——“鳄鱼邓迪”请来代言我们也不会怪罪。Subaru nailed the utilitarian wagon so thoroughly with the Outback that we can forgive it for using Paul “Crocodile Dundee” Hogan as a pitchman.

一次,在拉斯维加斯的Riviera宾馆进行演出,当时在表演“广告员”节目,他扮演一名来自荒野西部的“蛇油”推销员的角色。Once while performing at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas, he was presenting a "pitchman act," playing the role of a "snake oil" salesman from the wild west.

一次,在拉斯维加斯的Riviera宾馆进行演出,当时在表演“广告员”节目,他扮演一名来自荒野西部的“蛇油”推销员的角色。Once while performing at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas, he was presenting a "pitchman act, " playing the role of a "snake oil" salesman from the wild west.

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雪人这种形象立刻变得有利可图起来,当1933年禁酒令作废的时候,雪人成了各个名牌酒水公司的代言人了。This image of the snowman soon became lucrative. By the time Prohibition ended in 1933, the snowman had become the pitchman for almost every leading liquor company.

四年前,刘翔在雅典奥运会上拼尽全力取得了跨栏比赛的胜利,同时也被盛名所包围,成为了一名知名的广告代言人和百万富翁。Liu's Olympic victory in Athens four years ago heralded unbridled opportunities for the hurdler and he has cashed in on his fame to become a popular pitchman and a millionaire in his own right.