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衷心欢迎你们的到来!A heartfelt welcome to everyone!

真心的话语,赢得了全场的欢呼。Heartfelt words, deserving of a round applause.

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本院谨向陶教授致以衷心祝贺!Our heartfelt congratulations to Professor Tao!

也有一些邮件非常真诚和令人感动,我保存了其中的一些。Some e-mails are very heartfelt and moving, too.

王洪立对着镜头发自内心地说。Wang Hongli in front of the camera heartfelt said.

他们隆重的欢迎看起来并不衷心。Their ceremonious greetings did not seem heartfelt.

然后的发言一个比一个更加打动人心。Then, the speeches, each more heartfelt than the next.

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你只要向神由衷的表达出真实的你。You just talk with him in a genuine and heartfelt way.

衷心的感谢铁岭鹰友的盛情款待!Heartfelt thanks Tieling hawk friend entertaining lavishly!

书院谨向魏军城教授及陈国威校友致以衷心祝贺!Our heartfelt congratulations to Professor Wei and Mr Chan!

有没有得到有关人群发自内心的拥护?Will it receive heartfelt support from the people concerned?

衷心感谢希腊共和国和她热情的团队。Heartfelt thanks to the Hellenic Republic and She enthusiastic team.

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我借邓机会再一次地向呆家表司衷心的感鸦。I wish to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt to you again.

真心地恭喜你从研究生院毕业。Heartfelt congratulations on your graduation from the Graduate School.

这一承诺真心诚意,董事会对此非常满意。The board is very satisfied that the commitment is real and heartfelt.

最后,祝福他吧,希望没有我的圣诞节他也可以像现在的我这样豁达开朗。Wish you have a beatific Christmas Day with my most heartfelt benison!

今天我们在这里迎新年,唱心歌。Today, we are here to sing our heartfelt songs to welcome the new year.

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我谨向努尔王后表达美国人民衷心的哀悼之情。To Queen Noor, I extend the heartfelt condolences of the American people.

那天晚上回到家的时候,我很用心地写了封长长的邮件,没有回应。When I got home that night, I composed a long, heartfelt email. No reply.

写一封经典,浪漫,多情,字迹优美,感情真挚的情书。Write a classic, romantic, passionate, handwritten, heartfelt love letter.