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百无一用是深情。Hundred no one is affectionate.

只是深情调侃。It's just affectionate parrying.

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他们深爱的狗幸福。They're happy and affectionate dogs.

但是James也很少有身体亲热接触。But James, too, isn't very affectionate.

他疼爱那孩子而紧紧搂在怀里。He enfolded the child in an affectionate embrace.

这显然是和睦恩爱的一家人。It was evidently a united and affectionate family.

罗西在她的脸蛋上每边亲昵地吻了一下。Rosie gave her an affectionate kiss on each cheek.

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雷斯脱呢,对他也是多情的,顾念的。As for Lester, he was affectionate and considerate.

风柔柔地吹来,是你深情的问候么?Is the gently blowing wind your affectionate greeting?

你会得到一个兄长,一个真正的、情同手足的兄长。You will gain a brother, a real, affectionate brother.

对方爱我的程度是否达到了我的期望?Is my partner affectionate to the degree that I expect?

她喜欢聪明,有才华,有情义的人。She prefers the intelligent, talented and affectionate man.

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克伦伯猎鹬犬是一种长、矮、坚实的狗。The Clumber Spaniel is a gentle, loyal and affectionate dog.

老亨利·赖夫斯奈德和妻子菲比是对恩爱的夫妻。The young couple was affectionate and happy with each other.

她是一个多情的孩子,喜欢让人爱抚亲吻。She is an affectionate child and loves to be hugged and kissed.

对纯情和俊熙在一起时亲热的画面开始很在意。For pure and affectionate when itis picture began to care about.

她伸出手来,他亲切而殷勤地吻了一下。She held out her hand, he kissed it with affectionate gallantly.

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你不愿享受一种宽仁和满足的气质吗?Wilt thou never enjoy an affectionate and contented disposition?

韦翰先生一声声的再见比他太太叫得亲切得多。Mr. wickham's adieus were much more affectionate than his wife's.

而女儿好争辩、独立自主,不那么可爱。My daughter is argumentative, independent and not as affectionate.