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你的神经已疲惫不堪。Your nerves are frazzled.

当你疲惫时就听听。Listen to it whenever you start feeling frazzled.

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经过30分钟的等待,一个疲惫不堪的接待员出现了。After a 30-minute wait, a frazzled receptionist showed up.

但是你不需要屈从地感到疲惫。But you don't have to resign yourself to feeling frazzled.

就是在这里,“故园风雨后”和“搏击俱乐部”中令人疲惫的世界相会。It is here that Brideshead Revisited meets the frazzled world of Fight Club.

龙杰是包头增财物流公司的司机,接受电话采访时,他的声音听起来很疲惫。Sounding frazzled and tired, Mr. Long, a driver for Baotou Zengcai Shipping Co.

孩子越不在意,你就会吼得越大声,直到把大家都弄得身心疲惫。The less attention the kids pay, the louder you yell until everybody is frazzled.

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这些人得了所谓的“疲惫图书管理员综合症”。These are the people who suffer from what might be called the "frazzled librarian syndrome."

劳动纠纷在中国各城市工厂蔓延显然让政府筋疲力尽。The labor strife spreading through China’s factory cities has clearly frazzled the government.

身心交瘁时,我的灵魂变得空虚和困倦,最后它开始打起呼噜来。My body was weary, my spirit frazzled. My soul had become empty and sleepy and finally began to snore.

鲍勃说,学员开车超过两小时就会精疲力尽,以至于偏离正确的操作。Bob says that students frazzled and exhausted after two hours of driving will often blow right by their own houses.

等到工作的时候,你已经早早的感到疲惫了——这时候你的上司把一个“紧急”任务放在你的桌面上。By the time you get to work, you’re already feeling frazzled – and then your boss dumps an “urgent” project on your desk.

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在那些从气质冷峻到完全疲惫类型的人中,心理因素被认为依赖于身体健康,但是同时一个高度神经焦虑的人可能比其他人病情恶化得更快。From those with a chill demeanor to the completely frazzled types, mental factors are ultimately tied to physical health.

也许那是车辆管理局的一个疲惫的怀孕女人,或者是银行里排在你后面的一对老夫妻呢?Maybe it's a frazzled pregnant woman at the DMV. Or how about that old couple who just stepped in behind you at the bank?

但我的脾气不好,都是这些事给烦的。我是个夹在孩子和父母之间的“三明治人”But I am short-tempered, frazzled from all responsibilities. I am the "Sandwich Generation", caught between kids and parents.

然后另一名同学维基伸手拿她的皮夹,取出后,向人群展示了她那张又旧又破的纸条。Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group.

如果你在生活中总是从一件事冲到另一件,精疲力尽和无法全神贯注就一点都不奇怪。If you live life in a rush, dashing from one thing to the next, it's no surprise that you find yourself frazzled and unable to focus.

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走下您在北京首都机场飞机,并在几分钟之内朗豪坊将于感到劳累的你完全晶圆厂。Step off your plane at Beijing's Capital Airport, and within minutes Langham Place will take you from feeling frazzled to totally fab.

茶树具有抗细菌和治疗功能。法国熏衣草能够宁神,舒缓疲惫感,改善发炎的皮肤和头皮。Tea tree has anti-bacterial and healing properties, while French lavender is calming and soothes frazzled feelings and irritated skin and scalp.

她好象很没有经验,疲于应付卖主的代理人,以至于无论如何我多多少少都得直接与对方代理人接触。She seemed quite inexperienced and was so frazzled by the seller's agent that I was more or less dealing with the seller's agent directly anyway.