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为性满足营造良好的舞台Set the stage for satisfying sex

我终于找到了可心的工作。I found a satisfying job at last.

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似乎并不太让人满意。That doesn't seem very satisfying.

我对在平湖的工作感到非常满意。My work in Pinghu is very satisfying.

呶呶。你是我的。任何人也抢不走。哈哈。Best satisfying is you to my caring about.

有活跃的并且满意的性生活。Has an active and satisfying sex life. 094.

你有发觉这个角色在艺术上令你满足吗?Do you find this role artistically satisfying?

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最让人满意的两个字母单词是“我们”,使用它。The most satisfying two-letter word is WE. Use it.

结构效度及内容效度比较理想。The structure and content validity were satisfying.

一个较难的问题满足了第二个条件。A harder problem is satisfying the second condition.

但是,那个你的第一个狂热的爱好者是格外令人感到兴奋的。But that first fan -- that was extremely satisfying.

幸福便是满足私欲。Happiness is about satisfying our needs and desires.

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他向我展示了一些作品,其中没有一个是令人满意的。He shows me some works, none of which is satisfying.

这是一种令人心满意足的连续性和照料的仪式。It's a satisfying ritual of continuity and caretaking.

抛开原因不谈,结果是十分令人满意的。Regardless of the cause, the result is very satisfying.

做匹萨面团的过程本身就让人满足。Making pizza dough is a satisfying experience in itself.

他的锹凿开了坚实的砂土,发出令人舒心的嘎扎声。His spade cleaved the firm sand with a satisfying crunch.

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上面再加个水煮荷包蛋就是一顿令人很心满意足的饭了。They can be topped with poached eggs for a satisfying meal.

他们想要一段有意义而让人满意的情感。They want a relationship that is meaningful and satisfying.

一个顿满意的晚餐可以帮你避免晚上的大吃大喝。A satisfying dinner will help you avoid a late-night pigout.