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她是个爱哭的女孩。She is a crybaby.

为什么会有爱哭的人?什么是坚强?。Why can you have crybaby? What is firm?

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有时候我觉得美国像个不懂事的婴儿。Sometimes I think the U. S. is a crybaby.

别老像个爱哭的婴儿.15。不要再发牢骚!Don't be such a crybaby . 15. Quit whining! 16.

让我们来分享一些安抚啼哭宝宝的方法。Here are a few ways to soothe your sweet little crybaby.

那些惹事的顾客和律师让正义女神蒙羞?Have crybaby clients and lawyers led Lady Justice astray?

让那些无能的人滚蛋吧,好好面对与巴基斯坦的问题。Drop your crybaby stuff and drive that deal through with Pak.

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15“好吧,咱们就让这个好哭的小婴儿回家去找妈妈,好不好,哈克?Well, we'll let the crybaby go home to his mother, won't we, Huck?

我经常被家里人、朋友或同学认为是爱哭的小孩。I was the one who was often called a crybaby by my family, friends or schoolmates.

我笑他是一个软弱爱哭的家伙,他说,他宁愿做一个爱哭的人也不愿意做一个残害虫子的杀手。I said he was a crybaby and he said he would rather be a crybaby than a bug killer.

到达医院时珍妮还在抢救中,蓝菱已担心得哭成泪人。Arrived at the hospital is still in the rescue, Jenny LanLing have worry too crying into a crybaby.

我担心自己只要一张口说话就会哭起来,而我又是多么不想去当一个好哭娃呀!I was afraid I wouldn't be able to hold back the tears if I tried to talk, and I didn't want to be a crybaby.

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上周美国又目睹了另外一个“牧师发泄”——迈克尔-福莱格,白种天主教徒,嘲笑希拉里克林顿是所谓的爱哭的人。Then last week America witnessed another "pastor eruption"—Father Michael Pfleger, a white Catholic, mocking Hillary Clinton as an "entitled" white crybaby.

上周美国又目睹了另外一个“牧师发泄”——迈克尔-福莱格,白种天主教徒,嘲笑希拉蕊克林顿是所谓的爱哭的人。Then last week am er ica witnessed another "pastor eruption"-fath er michael pfleg er a white catholic mocking hillary clinton as an "entitled" white crybaby.