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我想还是加州红吧。Californian Rose, I think.

这一法案恰好只影响到一座加州城市——弗农市。That happens to affect only one Californian city, Vernon.

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美国时尚设计师们的谈吐就像加州的小青年。American fashion stylists all talk like Californian teenagers.

斯珀里尔曾领导1976年一场名为“巴黎的裁决”的备受争议的品酒大赛,在那场比赛中,美国加州的葡萄酒和知名法国葡萄酒曾同台对决。pitted Californian wines against prestigious ones from France.

这一次加州的各个机构更为谨慎。This time the Californian utilities are being more circumspect.

蛋糕中夹着一层层自制的摩卡和鲜脆的加州核桃。Layered with home-cooked mocha and lots of crunchy Californian walnuts.

美国加利福尼亚州一家公司近日推出一系列宠物假发,每个售价30美元。Californian company recently produced a range of hairpieces for cats and dogs.

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加利福尼亚州花样滑冰选手关颖珊将第三次参战奥运会。Californian figure skater Michelle Kwan will be returning for her third Olympics.

一名7岁的美国加州女孩成为全美最年轻的空手道黑带高手。A 7-year-old Californian girl is now the youngest karate black belt holder in the US.

几乎所有加州当地的美洲土语已有消失之虞。Already almost all Californian Native American languages are in danger of extinction.

另一家来自加利福利亚的企业Fisker也正在赶制一款被命名为Karma的混合动力豪华型汽车。Fisker, another new Californian firm, is building a hybrid luxury car called the Karma.

四层的巧克力蛋糕,中间有新鲜的巧克力奶油、巧克力豆和加州核桃。Four layers of chocolate sponge with fresh chocolate cream, choc chips and Californian walnuts.

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双眼皮手术在加州亚裔地区,是成长速度最快的整形手术。Eyelid surgery is the fastest-growing type of plastic surgery in the Californian Asian community.

西南部属驰名的加利福尼亚型气候,没有冬天,夏天暖和、干燥。The south-west enjoys the celebrated Californian climate with no winters and dry and warm summers.

在加州的一些城市如弗雷斯诺、默塞德和埃尔森特罗,失业率已经超过了底特律。In such Californian cities as Fresno , Merced and El Centro, jobless rates are higher than in Detroit.

当光照向卡背面时,能看见一头加州棕熊的微型穿孔轮廓。And a tiny perforated outline of a Californian brown bear is visible when a light is shone from behind.

下面拼图的第一张展示了加州人的设计。The first image plate below contains the Californian design. The notable designs are on the bottom row.

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如果你喜欢3D艺术,我确信你一定会爱上加利福尼亚艺术家约翰普格的作品。If you like 3D art, I’m sure you will like this set of 3D Building Art made by Californian artist John Pugh.

最后,1966年时加州的经济状况很好,议会想提高税收没有任何阻力。Finally, the Californian economy in 1966 was doing fine, and nothing kept the legislature from raising taxes.

近日又有一名加州女乘客称被该公司航班拒载,原因是一名同机的“大体积”乘客要求2个座位。Now a slim Californian woman claims she was asked to get off a flight so a hefty passenger could have 2 seats.