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告诉她,欢乐的时光不会停步Tell her the joyous time will not be staid

恰恰相反,直到1997年私有化前,它一直是家古板的国有公司。Rather, it was a staid state-owned firm until it was privatised in 1997.

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我经常使用“城市词典”来研究大量词汇固定用法之外的俚语用法。I often use Urbandictionary to research slang uses of otherwise staid and respectable words.

它不再是对中国画“一丝不苟”的复制,而是开始具有了自身的刀刻语言和艺术特点。It no longer staid duplicated, but began to create its own knife language and art character.

当拍卖会开始时,你会发现它不同于那些古板的苏富比或佳士得拍卖会。When the auction began, it wasn't the kind of staid affair you might experience at Sotheby's or Christie's.

部分原因是福特汽车公司的形象,至少在美国,是一个中西部的呆板的生产小货车的企业。Part of the reason was the firm’s image, at least in America, as a Midwestern, staid producer of pickup trucks.

那地方清凉、安谧、幽静,今人陶醉,是个听回声的奇妙地方,是扰攘的市廛之外的一个避嚣良港。It was a cool spot, staid but cheerful, a wonderful place for echoes, and a very harbour from the raging streets.

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如果说绘本小说听起来像是一项长期稳定的事业,画画搞笑卡通就只像是在儿戏。If making graphic novels felt like a staid long-term relationship, then doing gag comics is like playing the field.

他是新英格兰农民和工人的歌唱者,他的闲适的诗歌反映著新罕布希尔宁静的农村生活。He was the bard of the farmers and workers of new england and his quiet verse mirrored the staid new hampshire countryside.

在演唱会上,他不断的游说那些比较沉默的观众直到他们在舞台前面舞成一团,向这个流行音乐之神表示支持。In concerts he woos staid Cantonese audiences until they are dancing en masse in front of the stage, votaries to the pop god.

卡梅隆将部门更名为“公民社会办公室”,这是否就意味着脱离了其以往的古板做事风格,这个仍然拭目以待。Whether its rebranding as the Office of Civil Society by Mr Cameron heralds a departure from such staid ways remains to be seen.

嘉丁纳夫妇只在浪搏恩住了一夜,第二天一大早就带着伊丽莎白去探新求异,寻欢作乐。The Gardiners staid only one night at Longbourn, and set off the next morning with Elizabeth in pursuit of novelty and amusement.

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早先,人们认为一批富有改革精神的GCD官员能够取代那些年长的、古板的前辈,现在他们大失所望。Earlier hopes that a cohort of reform-minded apparatchiks might replace an older, more staid generation have now been disappointed.

与许多美国人认为的样式死板形成对比,别克受到末代皇帝溥仪的青睐,在中国成为豪华和时尚代名词。Favored by China’s last emperor, Buick is perceived as sumptuous and stylish, a contrast with its staid image among many Americans.

他要用这把叉子,打破这个家庭的条条框框,丢弃所有的快乐和满足感--稳重和自满!With the fork, he will break free of the bonds of all this family, all this happiness and contentment – and all that is staid and complacent!

美术院校大多是设置着系统化课程的昂贵学院,特别是人体美术这一块的课程尤其僵化。Art schools tend to be pricey institutions with regimented curriculums, and — particularly when it comes to figure-drawing courses — a pretty staid setup.

有些人戏称她是阿尔卑意大利式城市,意味着慕尼黑随和亲切的气氛,这和许多外国人对德国严肃持重的印象,形成天壤之别。Some jokingly call it the only Italian Alps, a reference to Munich's easygoing spirit that contrasts with the staid impression many foreigners have of Germany.

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别克是通用的明星品牌,连中国的末代皇帝也喜欢它,它被当做奢华时尚的象征,这和其在许多美国民众心中的死板形象形成鲜明的对比。Buick is the company’s star. Favored by China’s last emperor, Buick is perceived as sumptuous and stylish, a contrast with its staid image among many Americans.

别克是通用的明星品牌,连中国的末代皇帝也喜欢它,它被当做奢华时尚的象征,这和其在许多美国民众心中的死板形象形成鲜明的对比。Buick is the company's star. Favored by China's last emperor, Buick is perceived as sumptuous and stylish, a contrast with its staid image among many Americans. G.

我们快速的在美国和越南之间移动,在一个二十年前的悲剧和一对结婚已久的夫妻在准备上床前沉静的仪式之间移动。We move urgently back and forth between the United States and Vietnam, between a 20-year-old tragedy and the staid rituals of a long-married couple preparing for bed.